19 Mags Annie Ron and Misunderstandings

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It had been days of visits to the med bay for checkups and silent snuggles with Finnick in our room. Finn and I were back to how we were before the quarter quell. Oblivious to our love for one another and happy to just be there for the other. The only worry we currently had was on the safety of our lost remaining district victors. I visited Peeta everyday and sat with him for dinner. Gale and I started talking more and I have to say, he is pretty cool. I can see why Katniss is emotionally cheating on Peeta with him. He is sweet underneath his tough facade. Finnick and I go everywhere together and Jo has finally been allowed a room outside of the med bay.

We are currently in the cafeteria and I am sitting sideways on the bench with my feet on it and my back leaning into Finnicks arm. My eyes are closed and I could almost fall asleep when someone slams their tray down onto the table making me jump and almost fall off the bench. I hear Gale laugh from across Finnick and I glare before looking to the culprit of who woke me from my almost nap. Jo.

"Good morning princess." She states sitting down next to Gale.

"Good morning bitch." I sneer at her and she smirks at me making me grin at her too.

"You almost fell over there love." Finnick chuckles putting an arm around me sitting me upright again.

Next thing I know my feet are pushed off the bench and Katniss sits next me where my feet one so gracefully sat. She fucking pushed my feet. What kind of place am I living in?

"I am being fucking attacked." I say with a disbelieving expression looking in between Jo and Katniss. I see a small smile on Katniss's face and Jo is just laughing to herself.

"I think you will be okay Ryne." Gale says with a smirk as he stabs at his food. I loop my arm through Finnicks and lay my head on his shoulder. He leans his head onto mine as I close my eyes again and I just listen to the conversations going on at the table. Finnicks hand draws circles into my side as he pulls me in closer to his body and I smile.

"Haymitch said that he had information on Annie, Mags, and Ron by the way." Katniss says in the middle of her conversation with Gale.

"And you are just now fucking saying something! Lets go Finn." I say immediately standing and grabbing onto Finn's hand. We run out of the cafeteria and into the direction of the control room where Mitch, Plutarch and Coin spend most of their time. When I opened the doors and Finn and I stumbled in my eyes landed on Mitch who had his head in his hands. Whatever news he had wasn't going to be good.

"Mitch?" I ask reluctantly and he looks up at me with pity in his eyes.

"Where are they? What's going on with Annie, Mags, and Ron?" Finnick says his voice breaking near the end as he clearly picked up on Mitch's look.

"I'm sorry." He says and I take in a deep breath. I could feel Finnick's arm fall from my waist. "There was an attempt to evacuate 4, but the peacekeepers got to them before they could get out. They were killed." Mitch finishes and I gulp as I hear Finn take in a sharp breath at his words. Without another word Finnick leaves the room in a flustered manner. I am frozen in my spot as I frantically between the people currently in the room. The only thing that makes me move is the fact that I have to find Finnick.

"Finnick!" I call as I run through the hallways. I go back to our room hoping he is there and sure enough when I open the door he is slouching over the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Finnick. I'm so sorry." I say, approaching him slowly. Mags was like a mother to him and Annie and him had something special too. I was always closer with Ron but Finnick lost three people he had close relationships with.

Oblivious Love (Finnick Odair x OC)Where stories live. Discover now