The affair

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POV: Jaehyun

ok ,ok calm down dude- Jaemin said taking a sip of his coffee

You really don't need to be ashamed of that - Jaemin said placing his coffee on the table

Ashamed of what ? - asked Taeil sitting next to me

yeah ashamed of what , spill the tea- Johnny somehow demanded

it's nothing guys just a dare - Winwin said

POV: Winwin

I said trying to not sound sus , Jaehyun just nodded and Jaemin did the same. We all ate and had a good time, Mark as well took this chance to announce that he was officially in a relationship with Yuta .

Well I thought you where with Winwin - Chenle said looking at Yuta

Well you see we had a fight and our relationship didn't have any future at all , so I decided to end it - Yuta said , everyone was shock except Jaemin and Jeno

hey guys look Nana and Jeno don't look surprised - Taeyong said pointing at them , they just started discussing and a couple of boys started to leave that including me and Nomin

Well what are you going to do now ? Officially u made a taken man cheat on their lover - Jeno said in a teasing voice , Jaemin just playfully hit his arm while nodding

Y'all really have no personal life right ? - I asked laughing

do we seem like we keep a lot of secrets ? - Jaemin asked I just shrugged

WINWIN HOLD UP !!!- someone yelled from behind us , I turned around and saw Taeyong dragging Jaehyun by his arm

I need to ask you for a favor- Taeyong said about to faint cause of how much he ran

and that is ? - I asked confused Nomin where as well confused

can Jae maybe stay at your place while I travel with the boys to california ? - he asked, my eyes got huge same as Jaehyun's eyes and Nomin's

why doesn't he goes with you ? - Jaemin asked confused

Well the thing is that my parents are in California rn and Jae can't really stand them , so I will be going with Johnny , Mark and Yuta . I hope it's okey with you , I have his think in the car - Taeyong said and Jaehyun took TY's hand and took it away from his arm

THAT'S WHY YOU SAID YOU WERE WAITING FOR ME ?! YOU TOOK MY WHOLE CLOSET AND PACKED IT ?! - Jaehyun yelled to TY pretty annoyed , after they yelled at each other for half and an hour Jaemin literally got popcorn , I decided to accept the favor and took his bag while I walked to the bus station and Nomin got in their car , Jaehyun just followed me kinda annoyed

so where is your car ? - Jaehyun asked annoyed

I don't have one , I don't even have a license - I told him handing him one of his bags , he just sighed and got in the bus

At home

We entered the house and Jaehyun just let all things fall and jumped right on the couch , he was acting all strange as if after Jaemins questions round he just forgot about everything . I just went to the kitchen and started cooking some ramen

Hey watcha doing ? - Jaehyun asked like a little kid at his first day at school

Im preparing some ramen want some ? - I asked and looked to him he just nodded so I started preparing another bowl of ramen

It smells pretty good ~- Jaehyun said walking around

I've got a question . Where do I put my things and where do I sleep ?- he asked tapping my shoulder

oh ! yeah It turns out my apartment is not as big as your house so if you want to sleep on a bed u will need to sleep with me or else on the couch , and your things you can place them in the restroom or in my closet - I said giving him his ramen

so we are in this kind of affair that means you wouldn't have a problem sharing the bed with me - he said taking his ramen to the living room , I was about to answer when my door bell rang

I will get it - I said while running towards the door , when I opened the door a Taeyong came right in

I will choose where you sleep minster , oh and I brought you your switch and your diet plan - Taeyong kept babbling all kind of thing's

Oh come on you won't even take me with you but you need to choose where I sleep ?! - Jaehyun said annoyed . After a while they stopped discussing and they came to nothing it just leveled up to a yelling competition 4 hours passed I was already getting annoyed of just watching them turn my house into a chaos


wow - Jaehyun whispered , he just went upside and threw himself on my bed . I was cleaning the whole mess up when someone hugs me from behind

huh?! - I said and turning around to see a tired Jae who seemed to have drank a couple of bottles of beer but I don't have beer so he was just extremely tired of the fight

wanna make out?~- he asked while whispering into my ear

Hold up are you two always like this ? - I asked trying to ignore him

yeah we are - he said while he stopped hugging me

he always needs to be right at everything and won't stop annoying till he gets what he wants - Jaehyun said sitting down and putting his hands over his face

it seems stressing you want to sleep now? I will continue cleaning so don't worry - I told him while picking up some pillows

no ,no I made this mess let me help - he said picking up some glass pieces from a vase that got throwed during the fight . After a while most exactly at 2: 00 am we finished cleaning the whole mess. I was about to go and drink somethings when a h*rny Jaehyun pulled my arm

What now ? - I asked kind of as sleep , I looked up to him and saw his forehead sweating and well from how near I was to him I could feel you know what THAT

YOU ARE H*RNY ?!- I asked extremely shocked, he just nodded and looked at me with puppy eyes and just started kissing me I just left myself go with it when I notice he was carrying me while kissing me to my room

w-wait where are you going ? - I asked him trying to catch some air ...

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