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POV: Winwin

the next day

I woke up around 6 am my usual wake up time during the week . I took a shower and did some breakfast , ofc I did some for Jaehyun too but he seemed to sleep longer so I just left a letter for him on the kitchen counter saying the food is in the freezer . My day went normal , I went for a walk then I went to work , and got a phone call

Hi? - I answered the phone, there was an awkward silence at first bur then I heard a whisper

Oh yeah hi ! Here is Kun, I'm with Chenle and Jeno and we wondered if you wanted to hang out with us - Kun asked , I took a minute and texted Jaehyun asking if he wanted to come after a while he answered with a yes

Oh yes sure where do we meet ? And btw I will be bringing Jae - I said and Kun just told me the details and I went home and picked Jae up

In the bus station

Hey Jae the day you where fighting with TY DY called you Yuno why? - I asked curious while we were waiting for the bus

Um it's my actual name my name is Yuno - he said awkwardly

Why did they start calling you Jae tho ?- I asked looking at him intensely, he just looked at me and scoffed

Because you started calling me that way - he said patting my head, the bus came and we went in the ride was pretty awkward , Jaehyun or may I say Yuno was the whole time on the phone texting with someone and ignored my questions . I got tired of him so I just listened to music . When we arrived I just stood up and went out the bus and Jaehyun did the same .

WINWIN HYUNG !!!! - Chenle yelled while coming my way and hugging me

I thought you were mad at me cause I couldn't meet you a couple of weeks back - Chanel said bowing and proceeded to mock Kun for trying to explain us the activities

Lord Chenle stop!- Kun told him

Are you a pre schooler or why do u need so much time to talk ?- Chenle told him and stuck tongue out , I just laughed and talked with Jeno, Jaehyun was just completely ignoring all of us . Our first activity was to go to the zoo, but then Chenle found it annoying so we left , after that we just ate some hotdogs and took pics I wanted to go to the japanesse garden so we went it was really pretty and the atmosphere was really chill

Jeno hyung look over there it's nana !!!- Chenle told Jeno and Jeno just got scared but then realized it was a joke and started chasing Chenle Jaehyun was still on his phone but I lost it

YUNO !!! WOULD YOU MIND PARTICIPATING?!-I yelled at him , Kun's eyes widen but Jaehyun didn't look up his phone , I was staring holes into his head but he still didn't try to look up didn't even seemed uncomfortable . I didn't know what to do so I just stood up texted Kun even tho he was next to me I'm leaving and that he told Jae I'm going to the restroom

At home

As it seemed my plan worked nicely for the next 7hours till someone rang the doorbell I didn't had the interest in opening the door so I fell as sleep

POV : Jaehyun

At the park Winwin went to the restrooebut never came back what a nice move we sat over 5 hours in that park and the guys where eating when

Hey Yuno you really pissed Winwin off - Kun said to me with a pretty annoyed face

He like invites you so that you won't be alone but the only thing you is to stare at that shitty phone of yours - Kun said kinda like grounding me ? Idk I just kept eating

Yeah I don't even think Winwin did that to Yuta when he was annoyed , you may be the first to piss him off like that -Jeno added laughing , I just rolled my eyes , why was everyone so interested in my relationship with Winwin

Come on y'all know he has been like that before at school - I told them and drank a sip of my water

Yeah yeah but you were his best friend at that time now you just met - Kun said , that's when I realized I just made a big ass issue , after realizing that I apologized and ran home , when I got there I ran the doorbell but Winwin didn't open the door so I searched for a hidden Key for the next 3 hours when I found one I went inside and saw food on the counter and wanted to take it when I see a Winwin packing out the corner

Oh hi ?- I said , when he came near I saw him holding a knife so I backed up

I thought u where a dangerous person dude - Winwin said placing the knife down , he gave me a plate and he took another one after a while we finished eating and I went to take a shower , after that I turned the tv on , but I saw an angry Winwin standing behind me on the reflection

Yeah what's up?- I asked , he just gave me an annoyed look and told me I would be sleeping on the sofa I just looked at him in shock and apologized but he didn't gave in

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