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no I can't you really expected that from me ???- The other person said , it was getting loud so I went to see who was there , but I didn't recognize him

no I can't you really expected that from me ???- The other person said  , it was getting loud so I went to see who was there , but I didn't recognize him

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the boy looked my way and smirked , I just looked confused . Jaehyun noticed the boy's smirk and hit him back... I was confused

wowow dude hitting someone younger than you... exactly like Yuta does hah - the boy said , he knew Yuta and it seems as he knows him well

Hyunjin why can't you just stop getting into my life- Jaehyun said annoyed

im not the one who ran away after the mistake you know  hah your still the same - the Hyunjin dude said and entered my house

um what in the world?- I asked confused , Jaehyun went after Hyunjin and took his arm but Hyunjin just punched him and went my way  I started to backup slowly but then I see other two guys entering my house one of them was Yuta and the other one idk

um what in the world?- I asked confused , Jaehyun went after Hyunjin and took his arm but Hyunjin just punched him and went my way  I started to backup slowly but then I see other two guys entering my house one of them was Yuta and the other one idk

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nice house you were right Yuta - the other dude said Jaehyun seemed like he was about to explode so while they were looking around I decided to text Kun , Lucas and Hyuck to come

WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE ?!- Jaehyun yelled cause of his anger

well you can find it out by yourself- Hyunjin said turning around my way again

JUYEON WHY ARE YOU WITH THEM?!- Jaehyun asked trying to stand up

oh me? im just chillin- Juyeon said laughing , Yuta was looking around same as the other two and Jae was trying to somehow stand up when half and an hour later the door was broken open

huh? - Yuta said surprised , and was shock when he saw Lucas, Kun and Hyuck

oh hello there old friends - Juyeon and Hyunjin said surprised

What in the hell- Kun asked surprised , then he looked down and saw an injured Jaehyun and knew what was going on

so um you brought the two persons you used to bully to beat Jaehyun?- Lucas said confused asf

Well at least they wanted to take revenge on Jaehyun- Yuta said smirking and walking my way from behind

Why revenge I thought Jae was helping them - Hyuck said helping Jaehyun stand up

but then he just ran away and they where really sad he didn't even tried to stay in contact - Yuta said grabbing my shoulders... I flinched and got scared

hey hey let him go!- Jaehyun said trying to go my way but fell in the process ( when Yuta and Juyeon entered they stepped on him oop)

Yuta please let go and leave - I said trying to remove his hands from my shoulders but he just grabbed them way stronger

we didn't come here to leave that early mister knows everything- Hyunjin said going towards Jaehyun and punched him again

ugh so I guess its the hard way then- Lucas said punching Hyunjin that hard that he fell really hard on the floor , Yuta started pulling me away and idk where we were going

you really decided it hah- Hyunjin said standing up and was about to hit Jaehyun again but Kun left him unconscious

you- why that hard?!- Juyeon asked and went and hit Lucas but Lucas left him lying on the floor , Hyuck took that chance to help me get away from Yuta

okey I'm done with yall , Please stop acting like kids and just leave - Kun said helping Jaehyun stand up again , after a while Yuta left with his two minions but Jaehyun just suddenly fell and stopped breathing

JAE?! WAKE UP!!! CALL AN AMBULANCE !- I yelled running to Jaehyun

at the hospital

Jaehyun didn't had a bad injury the doctor said he was just exhausted and stressed and that caused the black out. A couple of moths passed and Jaehyun needed to stay at the hospital because they found a bad I injury on his lungs from one of the punches.

Win just go to your house and sleep for gods sake the surgery will turn out good - Jaehyun told me , but I didn't want him to be alone when suddenly

Hi Jae- a familiar voice said from the door... it was TY

oh hi - Jaehyun said confused

I'm back from the US!! and heard you were badly injured so I decided to check on you- TY said kind of embarrassed

oh well I guess thanks, but Sicheng is taking care of me and I think it would be strange cause we broke up..- Jae said laughing awkwardly , a couple of minutes passed and TY left after talking with Jae and then it was surgery I was nervous and scared I may loose him...

BYE BYE GO SLEEP SICHENG -Jaehyun said while he got taken out of the room but I still waited . Hours passed and I was getting worried when

does any one here knows mr. Jeong Jaehyun?- a doctor asked, so I went to them

the surgery was a success he can leave the hospital in a couple of weeks - the doctor said I smiled and bowed. After Jaehyun got taken back to his room it took hours till he woke up again so I slept that time..

after Jaehyun's recovery

It has been hard the last months Jaehyun needs to be taken to the hospital all the time because of breathing problems and our friend group faded away after the whole thing with Yuta... I kept in touch with Jaemin and Jeno and they were getting married in a couple of days and invited our whole friend group. So as soon Jaehyun got taken out of the hospital we went shopping for presents and fancy clothes.

Sicheng that's too expensive tho! how are we going to keep up with the apartments rent spending so much money- Jaehyun told me , yeah we moved together and as well got together but Jae always talks about the rent even tho we have more than enough money for it because of my job and his.

don't start again , just buy it you are not going with ur black shirt to the wedding - I told him and took both suits

ok ok lets go - Jaehyun said laughing

the wedding day

YUNO GET UR ASS DOWN HERE - I yelled he was taking too long with his outfit

HEY I DONT WANT TO LOOK BAD - He yelled back

OK BUT HURRY !- I told him . A couple of minutes later I see a Jae that I have never seen in my life - hold up yes that's the suit he had in that magazine with TY - I guess they weren't going to marry

so ?- He asked

now I know why u didn't want to buy this - I told him and he laughed

but still does it look good ?- he asked once again

stunning my friend - I told him while I opened the door

I just god friend zoned by my boyfriend - he said laughing so I laughed too , after a long drive we arrived at the wedding and dang was it a chaos

why do I hear screaming- Jaehyun asked concerned

your not the only one- I said , as we got nearer we saw it

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