Trying to keep it a secret

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hello yall this is a small interuption sorry if zou are confused cause of the povs I will try to not confuse anyone Xd be free to comment and telling me your opinion!!! This episode is going to be mostly the POV of Jaehyun


I stood up from the bed and walked out the room when I rememberd I tossed my phone on the floor yesterday , I proceeded to pick it up and saw that Taezong texted me several times telling me he is sorry

God I'm I stupid - I said to myself , while walking downstairs

Jae Jae- Win said running to me and hugging me

Oh he-hey there -I said hugging him back

I've made breakfast , sit and eat - he tole me guiding me to the kitchen, tbh the food looked good so I ate it

Wow win you still cook so good !!!- I said to him while eating my pancakes

glad you liked it ! but about yesterday what are we going to do - he asked worried

um lets try keeping it a secret- I said when our phones started to ring at the same time

GOD ITS MARK I WILL ANSWER- he said running trowrads his phone and answered

hey Mark!!- Winwin said to the phone

Oh yeah sure I will go !!! no idk where he is why? Oh he and TY fought ?! dang luck finding him!! BYYEEEEE- he told Mark

What was that about? - I asked

Call him to find out !!!- Win said so I went and took my phone and called Mark back

HI DUDE WASSUP!- I yelled to the phone

wowowoowow you called ! we are meeting today at the mall I wanted to ask if you want to come ...- mark asked

yeah sure let me go and pick TY up - I told him

Ok see you then byeeee- Mark said hanging up

Dang remeber not saying anything- I told Winwin while going to his room to change

WAIT YOU DONT WANT TO SHOWER ?!- he asked , I turned around and I knew where he was going

Sure I will take one wanna come ? - I said joking

What in the world- Winwin said giving me that look of completey disgusted but he was all red

BAHAHHAHAHAHA YOU ARE ALL RED !!!- I said and kept walking when a Winwin hold my arma nd runs with me to the shower

if you are going to keep laughing at me then lets do it - he said serious

You know I meant it as a joke don't you? - I told him he nodded but still got in the shower with me dang

after the shower

The shower was nicer than I thought nothing happen we just showered and if zou want more to happen then think like that I won't say any details. I dressed up and went to pick TY up

Hello Jae I was waiting for you - Taeyong said as soon I entered the house

Dang you scared me - I said walking away from him

You smell different - Taeyong said looking at me

Yeah ofc i stayed the night somehwere else can't I shower ?!- I said getting annoyed

Go change we need to go - Taeyong said while walking away

sure mom - I said trowing my jacket on the floor and walking to the closet , I took the clothes that Taeyong hates the most and dressed up

DONE!- I said

ok come on !- Taeyong said without even mentioning my clothes , we got in the car and after a while I noticed Taeyong staring at me

what ?- I aksed annoyed

You smell like Winwin- He answered

wow you could say the same to Yuta or Mark- I said playing it cool

yeah yeah , where were you last night ? - he asked I didnt know what to answer

and that's important because ?- I asked

because I do really want to know where you were - he said

well I stayed at a hotel - I said

where ? - asked

You dont need to know for gods sake- I told him


AND YOU STOP YELLING WITHOUTH ANY REASON!!!!- I yelled back , we yelled the whole ride till we arrived at the mall

now stop yelling for gods sake Taeyong - I told him while going out of the car waving to the guys

CAN YOU STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO !- Taeyong yelled at me again


YOU ARE YELLING TOO SO YOU CAN AND I CAN'T !? - Taeyong yelled once again

Guys stop fighting - Kun said nearing us


WELL DEAL WITH IT ! - I yelled while walking away

JEONG YUNO COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW !!!- Doyoung yelled at me

JAE!!!-Mark yelled as well , when I suddenlly feel someone standing behind me I turned around and saw Winwin with Jaemin and Jeno

What What ?! - I asked annoyed

Mister Jeong we didn't come here to watch you fight with your loved one so please try staying calm -Jaemin said making a funny voice

Yeah come on Jae why don't you try stop arguing - Jeno said , I was about to yell at Jeno when I saw Winwin looking at me cutley it wramed my heart

okey I will try , TAEYONG I'M SORRY - I yelled at him

OKEY NOW MOVE YOUR ASS OVER HERE - Taeyong yelled back

ON MY WAY MISTER - I said while I ran trowards Taeyong , all the boys when store trough store while I was completley zoned out I couldn't stop thinking that Winwin found photos of both of us in school and has tried to remember me

Jae Jae Jae - Xiaojun was calling me

huh? yes ?- I asked coming back to earth

What do you want to eat - Shotaro asked me

I would like a bacon burger - I said

wow you took the same as Winwin congrats thought you were on a diet - Shotaro said leaving to buy the things with a couple of other guys one of them being Taeyong , tbh all the boys left except Winwin and Jaemin

So tell me you both were togheter last night right ? - Jaemin said and our eyes opened

how -Jae did you told him ? - Winwin asked

N-no did you ? - I said shocked

none of you told me I just feel it and I as well smell Winwins perfume on you , and how awkward you two have been is killing me - Jaemin said

um eh so what do you want to know? - Winwin asked

You guys used to know each other do you feel the conection as if you guys knew each other ? - Jaemin asked

TBH before you even told me I knew him he didnt come familiar at all - Winwin said

I never forgot him so I did felt as if I knew him - I said

did you guys slept with each other ? - Jaemin asked , at the distance the boys where starting to come

um Yes Yes now change the topic the boys are coming - I said and Winwin got red as a tomato

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