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POV: Jaehyun

After I told Winwin what I dreamt of , he asked me if I remembered how he started calling me Jaehyun , so I told him the whole story.

Welcome to the past

POV: Jaehyun

I was walking around the school building while all the students were writing their exams , I was already finished for the day so I already could take a break (Winwin and Jaehyun are 8th grade at that moment). It was really quiet in the halls something that isn't that common , all the students were looking at me trough the windows because I already finished , but I wasn't the only one Winwin was walking by my side.

So Yuno why do they look at us so shocked ?- Winwin asked

Well I'm usually the only one who finish's this soon with the exams no one else does that's why they are staring at you - I told him

oh!!! that's interesting ! - he said excited

yeah that's the big deal with all this students , they never thought someone popular would be interested in studying - I told him annoyed , he was silent for a couple of minutes when

Do you like your name ? You are literally the only one without a nickname - Winwin asked me , I was silent for a moment

Yeah I kinda like my name The idea of having a nickname never went trough my mind- I told him , he was concentrating in something and then started to talk again

Well I find your name kind of boring like Yuno that's plain , I've been doing some research and it comes from Japan and it means help of god, nice but the name itself it's not that special - Winwin said , I was shocked he did some research on my name .

you actually have been researching on my name ? That's cute haha - I told him

it's not cute ! I was just trying to find the perfect nickname for you - he said hitting my arm playfully

so any suggestions ? what nicknames did you find?- I asked him laughing

Like not nicknames but a name got stuck in my mind Jaehyun... That name is nice Jae means respect and hyun virtuous , that name fits you- he said smiling

Jaehyun , you even took a Korean name ! You really did try to find me the perfect nickname- I told him happy and hugged him he hugged me back

so it's Jaehyun????- he asked excited jumping up and down

Yes yes it is Jaehyun , Win!!!- I told him and he got all crazy and loaded up even the teachers needed to tell him to calm down

MY BEST FRIENDS NEW NAME IS JAEHYUN YALL !!!- he yelled excited , he called me his best friend that really moved my heart

shh they are still writing exams shh - I told him while I laughed

Oh sh*t right SORRY - he said while he laughed , we finished up sitting on the floor chatting about Winwin's research


POV: Jaehyun

so that's how you gave me my nickname that became my name in a strange way - I told him laughing

wow I really researched it I'm proud of my old self hahahahhahah- Winwin said laughing , I found that pretty cute tbh .

but How about how I lost my memory?- He asked curious , I took a deep breath and tried not to let my voice break .

oh um sure - I told him

back to the past

still Jaehyun pov

It was a stressing day , with a lot of fights and annoying teachers...( grade 10 )

Jaehyun just stop paying attention to him! You know I like him ! - Yuta yelled at me


IM YOUR BEST FRIEND NOT HIM YOU MFER - Yuta yelled back at me


Guys stop fighting please- Winwin said coming out of nowhere , he ran In the middle of both of us and that's when Yuta was about to hit me but it landed on Winwin. We both got scared an took him to the infirmary and told the nurse he ate something and just fainted an hit his head really hard against the floor...

ITS ALL YOUR FAULT YUTA , YOU NEED TO LEARN TO CONTROL URSELF ! YOU ARE UNBELIVABLE - I yelled at him and then called Winwin's parents crying , the next moment I was myself again was when the doctor told us he has a bad amnesia That day I went home and told my mom we should move to where my dad is working after hearing the reason she accepted it .


still Jaehyun's pov

that was it - I said with a weak voice about to cry , Winwin's eyes were wide open and full with tears and he just hugged me crying I hugged him back and patted his back .

Calm down ik that hit changed your life but you don't need to feel as if it was your fault... I've been feeling guilty since it happend - I told him loosing it and finally crying myself out .

so you moved away with TY and your mom because of how guilty you felt?- he asked between his crying

yeah TY moved in with us because of his parents work but yeah , I couldn't get myself to act as if nothing happened , after all my best friend lost all of his memories because of me- I told him crying like a crazy person we just cried together

couple of hours later

Winwin and me just fell asleep on the couch after our crying round...

Jae... I'm really sorry I can't remember you - Winwin said half awake

Shhh drop the topic already - I told him patting his back

GOD UR AWAKE U SCARED ME!- Winwin yelled and got up

HAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH tf was that dude - I told him laghing hard asf and he joined me as well...

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