Love on the first sight

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Before starting, most of this story is going to be from the point of view of Winwin !!!


It was a cold day in Seoul ,I was bored so I decided to go for a walk the trees where moving with the wind . It was silent it was like a dream . The sun was going down and I could see the sunset , it was one of that feelings you never want to let go...

WINWIN HYUNG - someone yelled from the other side of the park , I turned around kinda surprised, I then saw Mark waving and coming towards me

Oh Mark what are you doing here ?-I asked looking at him confused

I was bored so I went for a walk - he answered with a smile

Btw I wanted to ask you if you have time today like later ?- asked Mark with a big ass smile

Um yes, why tho ?- I asked once again confused , like why in the world is he suddenly in the same place as me if he lives two hours away from here

I was going to eat with some , mind coming ?- Mark asked

No ofc I will come ,when ? - I asked this time actually understanding

About 8 pm at the Korean beef restaurant?- Mark answered and actually went away

Um ok ?- I said running back to my house it's already 7:30pm

Tbh I don't know most of Marks friends , he is always meeting new people while I'm just focused in my dancing career uff

POV : Jaehyun

I got a call from Mark earlier today , he wants to go out and eat something with some friends. Well it's kinda strange of him just mentioning friends cause I actually know all of his friends I think

TAEYONG ARE YOU READY ?!- I yelled from upstairs, yes I live with Taeyong hyung he is my boyfriend after all ,since school

NO JAE WHERE IS MY HIAR GEL ?- he yelled back , tbh idk where he puts his things

At the restaurant
POV: Winwin

Yuta do u see Mark somewhere ?- I asked my boyfriend

Look Winnie I need to go I've got the night shift - he said sad

But we never spend time together- I said kinda annoyed

I know I will try making time for us , and btw mark is waving at you- he said and hugged me before leaving . I was walking trowards the table when I ran into this boy

 I was walking trowards the table when I ran into this boy

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