The past

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POV: Narrator

After Jaehyun and Winwin fell asleep the house was in complete silence and Jaehyun started to move as if he wasn't comfortable seemed as if he was having a nightmare...

Welcome to the past

POV: Jaehyun

I woke up or so I thought but Turns out I'm in a dream how do I know that ? well I was at my parents house and that got destroyed a long time ago

Yuno come your friend is here to take you to school - my mom said , hearing her voice made me pretty emotional cause I haven't heard it in a while

Yeah im coming !!!- I said running downstairs , It was exactly the time when Winwin would come pick me up , but the friend my mom was talking about was Yangyang strange I don't remember going with him to the same school . Wait I remember before Winwin transferred to our school I used to walk with Yangyang , Chenle and Yuta Yuta was my best friend at that time

Hi Yangx2 wassup dude ?- I greeted him and as well asked

Hi dude lets go !!! Goodbye Mrs. Jeong !!! - Yangyang said closing the door I just waved at my mom as a goodbye as usually , we kept walking till we arrived at Yuta's and Chenle's street I rang at Yuta's and Yangx2 at Chenle's . After picking those two up something came up

Y'ALL YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IS TODAY ?! - Yuta asked excited

yeah yeah dude today is a new student at our class ~ - Chenle said annoying

What are you so excited about anyways ? We don't even know if it is a girl - Yangx2 asked and said , at that time we were all still straight I don't even remember what made us all start dating ( if your asking urself what grade this is they are all different classes and grades )

but still if it's a boy we can have a new friend - I said patting Yuta's back

who wants more friends we are the popular guys !!! we are 10 handsome boys !- Yutas said

You always forget to mention Hansol - Somone said behind us , we turned around and saw Johnny Hyung , he is the boy who always hangs around Hansol

Hi Hyung wanna walk with us ? - Chenle asked Johnny nodded and Hansol came running after him , we kept walking while the other guys started joining us ( at this time they haven't met all the members !) When we arrived at school a bunch girls started waking our way I really forgot how that felt so I got anxious and went direct to the classroom , that's when I saw him young Winwin at that moment my heart started racing like crazy

Hi Hyung wanna walk with us ? - Chenle asked Johnny nodded and Hansol came running after him , we kept walking while the other guys started joining us ( at this time they haven't met all the members !) When we arrived at school a bunch girls start...

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Yuno can you please come ? - the teacher called me so I went

Would you mind showing the new boy around ?- He asked me , I remember every detail of this moment I remember looking at Winx2 and then back at the teacher like 10 times

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