A party

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It's been a couple of days since Me and Twilight's date and we haven't been able to be together much since. But Pinkie pie is throwing a party at the canderlot ball room. No pony knows why but it seems important so we're all going to be there. I get in a dress and do my mane. I'm done getting ready so I go and find Celestia. As I walk down the empty hallway I can hear my hoofs  clack against the floor. " Celestia are you In here?" I ask. " Yes I am Luna. I'm just helping set up for the party." "Did you ever figure out what it was for?" " Yes but Im not allowed to tell any pony." " Why Celestia? What could possibly be that important." " It is about Twilights friends." I stand there with a lightly shocked face but recover. " Can you at least tell me if it's good or bad?" " You have to decide that yourself when the party happens." I lightly sigh but start helping with the party.
Time skip to party.
A lot of ponies are here. I find Twilight and my jaw drops . " Twilight you look incredible and stunning." Twilight blushes heavily by this. " You look amazing as well if I could I would kiss you right now." She whispers into my ear I blush very heavily. " Wait where's Rarity and Applejack?" I ask. " This party is for them you'll see why." Twilight answers. " Attention Everypony Applejack and Rarity have a very special announcement to make." I see Twilight gleaming with happiness. " Howdy y'all now as you all know me and rarity have and announcement to make. And that is.." Rarity buts in and say " Me and applejack are a couple!!" Ponies faces are filled with shock including mine but I recover fast for  Twilight and her friends. I start yelling congratulations and cheering for them every other pony join in as well and Twilight looks at me with a very proud look. She walks up to do a speech talking about how much they've been through. I can't help myself I stare at her her beautiful mane amazing eyes incredible voice. " Princess Luna you're staring at Twilight pretty hard is there something you possibly want to tell us?" Rainbow dash suddenly says. I look at her surprised. " No I'm just extremely proud of her that's all." " But not even Celestia stared at her that hard and it also looked like you had love In your eyes. " Celestia better not of." I say mumbling under my breath. " What was that?" Rainbow asks. " Nothing she learned a very hard spell and I'm extremely proud as I said before." " Hmm alright then catch you later Luna." Rainbow walks away and I sigh a sigh of relief.  
Time skip a couple of hours.
The party is over and it's just me Celestia and Twilight and her friends. Rarity screams. We all run over I notice Twilight wasn't with us. " What's wrong suger cube?" Applejack says. " WHATS WRONG THERE ARE TWO TWILIGHTS." Twilight looked just as confused as ever. " We have to figure out which one is the real the one Celestia and all of Twilights friends say." We get ready for a possible battle.

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