A big surprise

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" Celestia after some thought me and Twilight have decided it is best I move in with her." I say. " Luna you simply cannot. Your role in canderlot is much too important." " Celestia me and Twilight are engaged I now must take my role of a wife. And I can simply teleport here and back." " If you say so Luna I will help you in packing your bags." " Thank you so much Celestia." " And Luna you might wanna lay off on the sweets." She jokes. I look down and notice my stomach is bigger than usual. " Hmm your right but let us commence the packing of my items." Celestia let's out a chuckle and we pack. " Is that everything?" I say after around an hour of packing. " It looks like it. I'm really going to miss you Luna." " I will miss you as well." We hug and we go to Twilights castle. " Twilight my love are you in here?" " Yes Luna." She shouts. " Where are you?" " Sorry I was getting our bedroom ready." " It's perfectly fine. I'm just so excited I get to move in with you Twilight. I love you so much." " I love you too. And Celestia how are you doing?" " Good Twilight and you?" " Good. Luna our room is this way." Me Celestia and Twilight we all walk to mine and Twilights room. " It's beautiful in here Twilight." I say. " Beautiful like you." Twilight says back we kiss turn Celestia says " I'll leave you two to it goodbye Twilight goodbye Luna I will see you both soon." We wave our hoofs as we're kissing. Me and Twilight end up cuddling in our bed together for a while then we fell asleep her warm body next to mine. I wake up the next morning feeling sick. I quickly run to the bathroom and throw up. " Luna my darling are you ok?" Twilight says. " Yes I think." I respond back. " Maybe we should go to the hospital Luna." " Ok Twilight." We teleport to the hospital and find a doctor immediately. " Doc we need your help." Twilight says. " Now what seems to be the problem." " Well I woke up and immediately threw up." " Hmm interesting let's take you to a room." We go to a hospital room and they test me. " Princess Luna have you been eating any sweets lately?" A doctor asks. " No why?" " Oh my well it seems we found out answer. Princess Luna and Princess Twilight it seems your going to be parents." We look at eachother and then start crying from happiness. " Thank you so much Doctor." Twilight says. " No problem." He says. " Me and Twilight leave and we get prepared to tell Everypony the news.

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