A doppleganger

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" But how are we suppose to figure out which is the real Twilight." Fluttershy askes. " I know a way. Celestia let me talk to you real fast." I say. I pull her aside and say " I know how but I'll have to give away that me and Twilight are a couple." " Luna there must be another way too. You can't possibly announce that right after Applejack and Rarity said that they were dating." " I have a feeling that this is the way she would want help." I say. Celestia follows me back to the ball room. I gulp and say " Twilight what did me and you do Friday two days ago at 6pm." I say. The other ponies look confused but went along with it. " We studied a very hard magic trick one Twilight says." The other gulps and says " We went one a picnic and spent some quality time as princess together."She looks at me and winks I understand it. Celestia zaps the fake Twilight and her friends run up to her and hug her. " It looks like you get to keep your relationship a secret for another day." Celestia says. I sigh and drink some punch. " Luna may I have a word in private with you?" " Of course Twilight." We walk out of the ball room and speak. " Thank you so much for saving me. I knew you wouldn't want is dating to be revealed so that's why I said it the way I did." " I love you so much Twilight." I say as I pull her closer and kiss her. I get a slight hint of strawberry chapstick this time. As we pull away I notice we smudged our lipstick when kissing. " Twilight we've seemed to have smudged our lipstick." " It doesn't matter Luna. We're back together and thats is the most important thing." Twilight says. We go back to a the party and hang out with her friends however I do notice that Rarity gives a questioning look at me And Twilights mouth because our lipstick was smudged. We all have fun and talk for what seems like the entire night.
Hello everyone that is reading this I really hope your enjoying the story so far. Again leave any suggestions that you think would fit the story or that you would like to see.

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