The proposal

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" Luna? Are you In here." Twilight says. " Yes I am." " I feel it's time we told canderlot and ponyville about our relationship." So do I Twilight." " I was thinking that we could gather Everypony from canderlot and ponyville and have them go to the crystal empire ." " That's a good idea Twiliy." I say. A couple of hours later. " Luna? All the ponies are on their way to the crystal empire. And please get into your best dress and do your mane my love." " Understood Twilight." I go into my closet get my best dress and I go to the crystal empire to find Rarity. " Rarity are you in here?" " Yes Princess Luna what is it?." I need you to do my mane and makeup. And you can just call me Luna." " Ok my mistake Luna I'll get your mane done perfectly and put on some beautiful makeup." " Thank you so much." " No problem Luna." After Rarity gets my makeup and mane done I put on my dress and it is time to announce to Everypony me and Twilights relationship. " Twilight you look beautiful." I say. " So do you Luna." I notice she's a little nervous but I ignore it and we go and start the announcement. " Ladies and Gentle colts we were all called here for a special reason that even I don't know. It is about Princess Luna and Princess Twilight. I will now let them announce it." Candace says. " Thank you Princess Candace. Now if you've had a keen eye you might have noticed me and Luna have gotten way closer. And that is because me and Luna are dating." Gasps could be heard even Candace gasped. " But there is another thing I'd like to do." Twilight turns to me and pulls out a little black case. " Princess Luna will you marry me." She opens the case to reveal and diamond ring. I start crying of happiness. " Of course Twilight 100% yes." I say in between tears. We kiss and the cheering starts. " Well I did not see this coming Congratulations you two." Candace says. " I can hear Rarity say " Well it looks like I do need to start making wedding dresses." I chuckle and pull Twilight in for another kiss. " WOOOOOO ANOTHER ALMOST MARRIED COUPLE." Pinkie says. Twilight walks down to the crowd to talk to Everypony. " Well Luna it looks like your engaged now. I am extremely proud of you." Celestia says. " Thank you Celestia. That means a lot." Shining armor walks up to me and says " I never knew you two were dating. Please take care of Twilight for me?" " Of course Shining I would do anything for Twilight." " I know you're perfect for Twilight." Candace says. Twilight walks up to me and says " We are going to do some " things" tonight." She winks and we kiss once more. The party starts and me and Twilight are together for the rest of the night and we did the " things" she said we would do. " I love you so much Twilight." I say my lipstick all over Twilights face and neck. " I love you too." We walk outside and stare at the moon cuddling for the rest of the night.

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