A battle

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It's been couple of days since the party and nothing had happened. Suddenly Celestia bursts into my room " Luna SHE has returned." A chill went down my back. " Twilight told me about a mysterious figure that showed up to ponyville that matches the description of.. Celestia gulps. Queen darkness." " I thought you said Nightmare Moon defeated her." " That is what I thought." " We have to go to ponyville now." " Luna we have to wait.." " Now." I say " Very well" Celestia says. We teleport to the edge of ponyville and run to Twilights castle. I see all of her friends hurt on the ground. I see Twilight fighting her. " You will not win." Twilight pants. " Oh but I already have." Queen darkness says. Twilight gets knocked to the ground unconscious. I feel rage swell inside of me. The love of my life was just hurt. " LUNA NO" Celestia screams. Nightmare moon takes control of my body. The moon rises and Queen darkness and nightmare moon fight. I open my eyes to pure darkness. "Hello? Where am I." I say to the darkness. " Hahaha well well well Princess Luna it finally looks like you let me take control again." " Nightmare Moon. It wasn't voluntary. I saw Twilight get hurt and I snapped." " Oh she's your little lover now HAHAH." I feel a rush of anger again but I control it.  " Listen here Nightmare Moon. She's perfect and I'd do anything for her." " Well isn't that cute. I'd never thought you would get her love." " Be quite Nightmare moon." " Or what Luna what will you do." I stand there silent. " Well Luna it looks like my work here is done. Till we meet again." I can feel myself being sucked out of the darkness. " GASP" I breath heavily." " Luna your alright." Twilight says. She hugs me and doesn't let go. " Uhh Twilight you might wanna give her some room." Applejack says. Twilight starts blushing but I say " No no it is fine. She can stay." I lie there on the ground processing everything that happened. " Luna I need to speak with you at once." We walk over to a area with no ponies. " Luna what was that. You let nightmare moon take over????!!!!" " Listen Celestia I was filled with rage. They just slipped out." " What could possibly get you that mad? That was extremely foolish and dangerous. " QUEEN DARKNESS KNOCKED TWILIGHT OVER AND SHE WAS UNCONSCIOUS. OK?" I say almost crying. Celestia looks stunned she walks up and hugs me. " Listen Luna Twilight is safe and sound. And so are you." " I know I just never wanna see Twilight get hurt ever again." And with that we stop talking and walk back to Mane six. "Luna if you don't mind me asking what got you so mad that night mare moon took control?" Applejack asks. " Well. When I saw that queen darkness hurt Twilight I couldn't control myself. That was the angriest I've ever been." " But why Twilight? Why would you get so mad over seeing Twilight get hurt?"Apple jack says and I lie and say " I honestly have no idea." " Well we better get this place cleaned up it's a mess." Rarity says and with that we start cleaning up ponyville.

Twilights and Lunas romance. { COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now