A wedding

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"Celestia me and Twilight have something to announce." I say walking into the canderlot castle with Twilight. " Yes Luna what is it?" Celestia asks. " I'm pregnant." I say. ". [GASP]  " " Oh my. This is something unexpected. There's a high possibility it'll be an alicorn." Celestia says. " We know Celestia. And we're super excited." Twilight says. " You should be very excited this will be the first baby made by two alicorns and Two princess." " Also Celestia Fluttershy and Rainbow dash came out as a couple yesterday." Twilight says. " Good for them. Has pinkie pie gotten a relationship yet?" " Nope unfortunately ." " Well I have to go. I have a very important meeting soon. I will see you ponies soon." Celestia says. " Goodbye Celestia." I say. Me and Twilight walk out rubbing nuzzles. " My twilight. I love you so much." " I love you too." She says. 
Time skip to wedding
" I can't believe it is already the day of the wedding." I say to Rarity as she helps me get ready. " It did feel quite fast." She says while doing my mane. We sit there in silence as she continues my mane and makeup. " Remember don't put to much." I say to her. " Yes I know." She responds. She quickly helps me put my dress on and I'm all ready for the wedding. I look in the mirror stunned on how beautiful I am. " Are you ready?" Applejack says peeking through slight opening in the door." " Yes yes I am." I say. We walk out and I go up on the alter first. After around a minute Twilight walks out with her dad walking her to the alter. She gets up on it and we stare into each other's eyes admiring how beautiful the other one looks. " Ladies and Gentle Colts we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of these two ponies. Princess Luna and Princess Twilight. These two Princesses have faced many challenges and have defeated them all. They've been by eachothers side through all of it." Time skip a little bit because I'm pretty lazy.
Cadance turns to me. " Princess Luna do you pledge to stay by Twilights side through the rough times and through the easy times." She says. " I do." I say. She turns to Twilight and says the same " I do." I hear Twilight say after Cadance finishes speaking. " You may now kiss the bride." Me and Twilight share a long and passionate kiss. Everpony is cheering. We stop and walk down from the alter. My eyes catches that Pinkie pie and My sister Celestia are really close. " Hmm." I say outloud. " What is it Luna?" Twilight asks. " Nothing." I say brushing it off. We end the night talking with everypony and having fun.
A quick note. This chapter was kind of rushed as I had a limited time to write. Yes this will start having Princess Celestia x Pinkie pie. And don't even dare mention cheese what the heck his name is. I hate him so much. Anyway I'm going to be starting the other fan fics soon so be on the lookout for those. I hope you all enjoy see you next chapter!

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