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We made it to Heidi's room in record time after she 'liberated me', as she put it, from Felix and Demetri. Unfortunately, an early arrival on our part only provided more time for a contractually obligated fashion scene. 

 Not much work had been done on her mural since my last visit, and it still remained half coloured and half empty of any drawings whatsoever. A true work in progress. The rest of the room, however, looked like the backstage of a fashion show running three hours behind. Every surface possible had been hijacked, including an easel in the corner, and put to use for shoes, clothing, jewellery, cosmetics, and the necessary undergarments. 

Unlike my room, there was no bed, rather a half moon couch as the main focus of the room. The length of the couch had been put to use to separate and spread out different sections of clothes, mainly a slew of dresses and several fashion-not-warmth geared jackets. It was organized chaos, but I bit my tongue to keep from jokingly asking whether it took more time for the two of them to make the mess or to get ready in it.

I'd like to consider myself a team player, but something about the setup made me feel a little ill. It's not that I wasn't into clothing or dressing up. My father was part American and no matter what country we were in, we always celebrated his favourite holiday: Halloween. And when I was a little girl, I had this doll that I liked to pretend was a part time princess/part time time traveling spy that got to wear both royal ballgowns and historically interesting outfits.

Although, the fact that I just named Halloween and a childhood doll as my connections to fashion, certainly gives an idea of my level of interest in the task at hand. The task being finding me the perfect clubbing outfit.

Upon our arrival, my current outfit had been given a shameful head shake by Heidi just in time for Chelsea to emerge from the bathroom. The shorter woman was already dressed in a spaghetti strap, short, cheetah print dress and heels that made her legs go on for miles. "Oh good, you procured the human. Those," she pointed to a pile of dresses hanging over one section of the couch, "should fit her."

I'd only been around Chelsea a handful of times so far. I definitely wasn't her favourite person in the entire world. And I think my blood bothered her since she was one of the younger of the Volturi. Though she was an extremely high ranking member and perhaps that's why her control was still well managed with me. If she had the choice, however, I don't think it would be to spend time around me.

She never addressed me directly, but she wasn't cruel about it. Heidi assured me it wasn't personal, rather it was the matter of my humanity. And once that was fixed she was positive that Chelsea would want to spend more time with me.

"Elizabeth's coming as well." Heidi informed me, hands on her hips. "You've met, haven't you?"

Elizabeth was the lower guard member who had given me the wrong date on Felix's fake homework assignment. I hadn't exactly spoken to or seen the woman since. "I suppose."

"Actually, Bess sends her regrets."

The other woman's jaw dropped at the news. "But why! She never misses girl night."

Chelsea shrugged, her eyes flashing over to me before returning to the larger mirror in the bathroom, throwing over her shoulder, "She said to 'have fun with your pet'." The cattiness was unnecessary, though not purposeful on Chelsea's end. Still, I rolled my eyes; I should've stayed with Demetri and Felix.

Where Chelsea tolerated me, Elizabeth apparently had no patience for my existence. This wasn't the first time I'd heard of a snide comment aimed at my expense from Elizabeth's desk. The guys, gossips that they were, had mentioned one or two offhand comments about how she needed to learn her place. As usual, they refused to go into any further detail but managed to slide in a subtle joke about me needing to get back on her good side.

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