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The fast-paced beat of dance music reverberated through the floor like an earthquake. A continuous rumble kept the nightclub on a constant earthquake alert status. If there were words to the songs being replayed, I would bet money that the partygoers did not know the lyrics. Or perhaps the lyrics did not matter to them as they flailed about, shouting out random words in sync with the music before laughing about nothing in particular.

The building had been remodelled from an old theatre, the seats taken out to make room for a dance floor on the ground level. The DJ booth was set up on the stage, raised up in front of a mass of dancers and surrounded by enormous speakers. From the orchestra to the mezzanine, and throughout the grand entrance hall, there was gold marble lining the walls and floors. It must have been a grand performance space in its peak.

Our entrance into the main area triggered a subtle reaction. Crowds parted and heads turned to stare as Chelsea led our small group's way through the throngs of people. Their presence alone was like a magnet for people's attention. There was no audio cue over the blasting music to inform them of the arrival of the most beautiful creatures they have ever seen. Rather, the recognition seemed to be innate. As if it were their very purpose to be seen and acknowledged by something so otherworldly. They were practically begging to be the vampire's next victims.

We had barely reached the dance floor before Heidi and Jane were asked to dance leaving Chelsea and I to awkwardly adjust to the location and our new one-on-one situation. Chelsea handed me her purse and directed me to choose a table overlooking the dance floor. At least, that's what I think she meant. She just sort of waved her hand towards the DJ and then at the booths nearest us.

I weaved through the masses of people, finally popping through to the near empty seating area. It was early enough in the night, that no one needed nor wanted to sit. Only a single couple, already lost in each other's throats, practically wrestled with each other in a corner booth. I settled in, casually tossing the purse on the other side of the table and turned to watch the dancers.

Chelsea joined me moments later, handing me a drink.

"Thank you, but I don't drink."

"It's water." She barely glanced at me, choosing instead to look through her purse. "I have no interest in managing a drunk human tonight."

"Make that two of us." For some reason, my response earned me an amused twinkle of her eyes. Maybe it was the smoke in the air or the unexplained gust of air on my exposed back, but I considered the possibility that I might just win Chelsea over tonight. That is, if I played my cards right.

Before I could do so, Jane returned, deliberately seating herself between me and Chelsea and assumably, more importantly, further from the crowd that teetered on the edges inches from our table. We both gave her curious eyes, but Jane shook her head deliberately.

"Humans do not change."

Chelsea let out a sweet giggle, hiding her laugh fashionably behind her hand. "Sweetheart, humans change. Men, on the other hand."

I spoke before I could think, suggesting half-heartedly, "should've used your gift on him." A sly smirk grew on Jane's face as she stared out into the crowd.

"Jane!" Chelsea exclaimed, not half as outraged by the girl's behaviour as she sounded. "You didn't?"

Jane rolled her eyes as if being scolded by a step-parental figure. She held onto her hard, carefree demeanour. "He's fine...a little sore," as soon as she caught my eyes, the smirk on her lips became more genuine of a smile. "He was so drunk he slipped on an ice cube. Broke his nose." I broke first, and soon Jane joined me in small laughter. As surprised as Chelsea was to see Jane laughing so openly, I think she was more in awe at the fact that I had triggered it.

Heartbeat [Alec Volturi]Where stories live. Discover now