"I'll Stay" - Part 2

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Cheryl's pov:

"D-Do you wanna go somewhere..? Alone?"

Toni and I have been in the bathroom for almost an hour, her just lying in my arms.

She nodded her head a little bit before trying to get up. I helped her up then backed away from her a little. She looked up at me, almost worried or scared.

"What wrong" I asked concerned.

She shrugged and looked at the ground, her arms wrapped around herself.

"Do you want to stay here?"

She shook her head violently, her eyes going wide.

"Okay, that's okay. Do y-you want me to be close to you or...?"

She looked back up at me and said "yes please" so quietly I almost didn't here her.

I walked back over to her slowly, gently grabbing her hand. I made sure to watch her body movement, not wanting to do the wrong thing and scare her.

"Is this okay" I whisperd to which she slowly nodded her head to.

We walked out of the bathroom and started down the hall. I looked around looking for anyone around, gladly not seeing anyone until...

"HEY!" I heard someone scream from behind us, causing Toni to let go of my hand and cover her ears while squeezing her eyes shut once again.

I looked behind us to see Veronica and her minions angrily walking towards us.

"What?" I asked, irritated.

"No one gets to talk to me like that and walk away"

"Veronica get real. This isn't junior high anymore. You don't get to boss people around and bully anyone" I spat.

"I can do whatever I want" she smirked.

"Fine. But just know that bullying people about things they can't change won't help you feel better about yourself, no matter how much you think it will" I then turned back to Toni who was staring at the ground again, messing with the end of her sweater. "You ready?" I asked her more quietly.

She nodded her head then started walking down the hall, fast. When I tried to follow her I was pulled back.

"Why are you protecting her Cheryl"

"Because, Veronica. Do you really want to know that your the main cause of someone's suffering. My mother didn't raise me that way, and I know damn well yours didn't either"

Truth is, Veronica and I used to be best friends. We grew up together. But I couldn't be friends with someone who tears other people down to feel better about themselves, so I stopped hanging out with her for good.

After that I walked away from her and out the doors of Riverdale High where Toni was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay. D-Do you wanna go to pop's?" I was so nervous. I've never taken a girl out, though I've always wanted to.

She nodded, looking everywhere but at me.

"Alright let's get in my car?"


We walked over to my car where I opened the door for her. I've seen people do that in those romantic movies so I thought I'd give it a try.

After she go in I ran to the driver's side and got in myself.


"Hello ladies what can I get you" Pop asked us as we sat down.

"I'll just have strawberry milkshake. What about you Toni?" I asked with a smile.

She looked up and pointed to the chocolate milkshake picture that was on the menu.

"Chocolate milkshake?" Pop asked her.

She nodded while looking back down, one of her knees was tucked into her chest.

"Alright I'll be right back"

"Thanks Pop"

When he walked away I looked back at Toni.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded before looking back up at me.

"T-t-thank y-you. For ev-verything Cher-ryl" she smiled a little bit, making me smile even bigger.

"Of course. I'd do anything for you" I said shyly.

She giggled a little and I swear my heart bursted out of my chest.

I can't wait to see what happens in the future with her..

People wanted a part two so there you gooooo :)

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