One Night Stand?

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Toni's pov:

Last night I had the most amazing one night stand with...I think her name was Cheryl? I honestly forgot. I met her through one of my friends. I went clubbing with a big group of people which is how I met her. We ended up flirting the whole night and eventually I took her to my house were we did, it.

I just woke up with a killer migraine. I looked over to my left and saw that Cheryl was already gone. Usually I have to try let them down easily so I'm glad I didn't have to this time. Though I probably wouldn't mind her staying. I checked the time on my alarm clock, seeing it was only nine in the morning. I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs.

I stopped in on the middle of the stairs because I smelt something. Something really good. I continued down the stairs and to the kitchen. What I saw made me genuinely confused. Cheryl was dancing around my kitchen in one of my oversized T-shirts, making what looks like pancakes.

"Oh hey your just in time for breakfast" she smiled at me as she started to plate the food.

Still confused, I sat down at the island where she placed a plate in front of me.


"No problem"

She got herself a plate and sat down right beside me, very closely. Our legs were practically touching. She was on her phone while I awkwardly ate the delicious food she made me. Then she started laughing..

"Babe, look at this meme it's the funniest"

Babe? What is happening?!

I looked at her phone, nervously laughing at the meme she showed me.

"So, what are we doing today?"



"Oh um, I don't know" I replied, even more confused then before.

"Ooh, how about we go to the park and feed the cute little duckies!" She suggested.

She sounded so excited and I didn't want to ruin that so I agreed.


"TT! Look at that one!" Cheryl said, pointing to one of the ducks as she fed them.

"Yeah it looks really cute"

"Ugh I know right!"

I had to admit, she is the cutest person I've ever met. Being around such a happy soul made me feel happier.

After feeding the ducks, we started to walk around the big park. We were talking about random things, nothing too personal. Then she put her hand in mine, intertwining them. I didn't know how to feel about it, but I knew I was happy.


"...And that's what I was telling her" Cheryl explained.

It's been a couple of weeks since the day after our "one night stand". Cheryl's been staying with me the whole time. We're currently at dinner at a fancy restaurant. Cheryl probably thinks it's a romantic date, which I have no problem withe it being that but, I really just didn't feel like cooking.

Cher was talking about something that happened with her and Veronica but I wasn't really listening. During the time we've been together, it really feels like we're together.

"TT, can I tell you something?"


She sighed heavily before continuing.

"I know I kinda just, showed up in your life. And you letting me stay with you has been, the best time ever..what I'm trying to say is, I really like you"

"I really like you too Cher. But you know what I also really like? This spaghetti" I replied with a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Toni I'm serious"

"I know. Me too"

"Okay what?"

"Now what, what?" I said, genuinely confused.

"Well do you want to be my girlfriend or not?"

"Ohhhh. Wait I wasn't already?"

She looked at me like I was stupid. Which I am sometimes so it's okay.

"Seriously Toni"

"What?" I laughed, causing her to laugh too.

We really are great together.

Sometimes when I'm writing and listening to music at the same time, I forget what I'm writing about :)

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