Decorating Together

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In a college dorm two males were getting ready for the holiday's by decorating their dorm room. They had hung garland, wreaths, and light all over all that was left was decorating the Christmas tree. It should have been an easy enough task not that complicated right? Wrong. Atsushi had no clue how he ended up in this situation. All he was trying to do was put the string of lights onto the tree but he somehow got entangled. He was currently stuck in the Christmas tree. He could move as the lights held his arms down. He looked to his boyfriend for help but saw him laughing his ass off on the floor. Atsushi continued to struggle to get free and somehow made it even worse.

"Osamu help me please."

"HAHAHA Atsushi HAHA how did HAHA you manage HAHA that?" Dazai could not stop laughing as every time he looked up at his adorable boyfriend he would burst into another fit of laughter.

"I don't know. Can you please help me?" Atsushi looked at the taller male with sad puppy eyes. Seeing those doe like eyes glisten Dazai stopped laughing feeling his heart clench at the sight. He walked over to his younger lover to examine the lights. Before trying to untangle his kitten he gently placed a gentle kiss onto the stuck male's forehead. After finding the end of the lights the brown haired philosophy major untangled his boyfriend. Once Atsushi was free he leaned up and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"Thank you Osamu."

"Why of course Atsushi. Did you really think I wouldn't help?" He eyed his lover with a pout.

"Yes. I thought you would keep laughing at me."

"Oh you hurt my heart!! As if I would ever leave a damsel in distress! I will always help anyone out of trouble!~" Dazai flailed his arms and hands in over exaggerated movements. His brown eyes sparkling with amusement. Atsushi's face deadpanned as he watched his boyfriend's antics. How did he fall in love with this man again? He watched the brunette turn to him with a soft fond smile that lit his eyes up. Oh that's how. Atsushi smiled back as he walked close to his bandage wearing, significant other. He wrapped his arms around the thin but muscled waist looking up into amber eyes that shone in the lighting. He watched as Dazai's eyes softened and warmed even more. He could feel lanky arms wrap around his Though Dazai kept poking fun at Atsushi. Atsushi just rolled his eyes with a small smile. When they had finished up they both cleaned up the room and put the boxes in the trash. They both laid on the couch together with Dazai on his back and Atsushi laying on his chest. The tiger loving art major ended up falling into a peaceful sleep with his love's arms wrapped around him.

Dazai lifted his head to see that his kitten had fallen asleep smiling to himself at Atsushi's relaxed smiling face. He couldn't wait for Christmas day as he had something special planned for Atsushi. A plan that included a certain velvet box that was hidden in a false book that he knew his kitten had no interest in. He was finally going to propose to his younger boyfriend at their friend Yosano's party. Everyone of their friends kept asking when he was going to pop the question since he and Atsushi got together. In high school when he was a senior and Atsushi was a junior he had finally asked his best friend out. After that everything was history as 4 years later here they are still together. Now he just had to wait until Christmas. Dazai closed his eyes slowly falling asleep to Atsushi's soft breaths and the warmth that filled their dorm.

About 2 weeks later everyone was celebrating as two of their friends were now engaged to each other. Several of them were drinking in celebrations and others talking to the younger one about wedding ideas. Dazai looked over to see his now fiancé talking to several of the girls. He smiled as he saw the ring on the younger one's left hand sparkle in the Christmas lights. This definitely was one of the best Christmases they both have had and now they have many more to experience together for the rest of their lives. 

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