Truth pizza

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*Millie POV*
When we got to the pizza place I just asked for cheese everyone was looking at me they couldn't really tell that Chris was here because of his cap and sunglasses but they were looking at my face. When Chris came back he decided to pull out his phone and create a contact for Millie and gave the phone to me to type my number in it thanks to Robert I do have a phone.

There's something about Chris that makes me feel safe and makes me want to tell him everything "want to talk now?" Chris asked I nodded "they all know I'm an orphan and that apparently makes me a freak and the person for them to pick on and beat the crap out of honesty it's kinda sad for them just beat up a kid without a mom" Chris gave a little chuckle to my small joke " but yeah I try to stay hidden for the day but it always happens just when school finishes but today they did it late that's why you managed to see me before I cleaned up and cover this" I said trying not to cry.

*Chris POV*
As she said this I felt so angry I wanted to sort them kids out and why would she cover this up she should be telling someone like Robert. Millie looked around seeing people starring at her face so she put her hood up I felt bad.  "How long?" I asked politely but sternly "since my mom died" she responded "and the bruises on your arms?" That is when she broke down in tears. Where did she get them bruises from?! "Hey, hey is alright" I said soothing her and pulling Millie into a hug.

*Millie POV*
Something about Chris's hug made me start to talk more " I-I got the bruises on my arms from my caretaker at my orphanage" I said breaking down in tears again "oh Millie" Chris said as he stiffened and giving me a tighter hug. "I didn't tell Robert because I didn't want him knowing that this was happening as he's so busy with his kids and his life I didn't want to put anymore on him" I said knowing that Chris would want to know why I didn't tell Robert "kid Downey loves you he would have helped" Chris replied as we broke the hug with him wiping my tears away. We decided to have the pizza as take out and go to Chris's LA house.

Writers note~
Hi sorry I didn't make this clear Millie lives in LA and chris lives in Boston he is in la right now to shoot a movie and that's why he was with downy I am also British so if things come out in a British way I am so sorry

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