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*Chris POV*
It was Christmas morning and I haven't been woken up by M I was confused maybe she's drawing? I walked into her room with her still asleep I was confused to why she was still asleep on Christmas Day. I walked up and led down next to her slowly waking her up she looked like she didn't sleep "why aren't you up beautiful?" I asked "didn't sleep last night" she responded "another nightmare?" I questioned "yep" she said annoyed at the fact she gets nightmares "why didn't you wake me?" I asked "didn't want to disturb you" she said honestly "okay well it's Christmas so do you want to go down stairs any open some presents?" I asked excitedly before she gave me an answers M shot out of bed and went straight downstairs.

*Millie POV*
As I went down I quickly grabbed my presents to dad and placed them under the big tree with other the  presents before dad noticed. That dream I had really startled me I'm going to have to try not to let it get to my head today I thought to myself as Dad came downstairs. "You alright sweet pea?" He asked, sweet pea?thats new I think he could tell that I was thinking about that dream "I'm good" I replied excitedly and handed him one of my presents to him as he smiled. Chris opened the present to reveal a t-shirt that he wanted and a key chain wrapped in the middle that read 'love you to the moon and back' he smiled and gave me a big hug and said thanks.

*Chris POV*
As I thanked Millie I gave her one of the presents that I got for her as she opened it M smiled at the charm bracelet that's got a heart in the center and there was writing it read 'my daughter' as I watch M put it on and then reached to hug me said thanked me "love you dad" I heard her whisper in my ear "I love you too M" I whispered back.

We carried on opening presents until Millie got one from Tom it was a sketch pad and pencils with some fake flowers that she can draw he also wrote in it 'you better send me one of your drawings' making Millie and I chuckle I don't blame him her drawings are beautiful and the dude has more game at me at buying Millie presents mind you he has know M longer. Then Millie started to get upset when she opened the present from RJD it was her moms ring that she had promised to give her when the time was right she thought that it was lost and that nobody found it obviously not.

*millie POV*
As I opened Downey's presents I started to get tearful not only because it was my moms it was the fact that this brought me back to the dream I had last night "M are you alright?" My dad asked knowing there's something wrong "I'm fine" I responded "no your not" dad said sternly "okay I'm not, it's just the bad dream I had last night it's still getting to me" I explained "tell me about it?" Dad asked "it was from when my mom got punched and slapped and it happened outside my room so I saw what happened as my door was cracked open a little they didn't know I had seen though" I said I'm sure by now Chris is sick of me talking about my parents but he did ask "Awh kid if you told me this morning then maybe you would be relaxed now" dad said making a fair point.

As the day went on we went over too Downeys to have a dinner and Tom was also there I don't know why I haven't seen my dads family yet probably too far away I thought as I sat next to Tom I nudged his side with my elbow and said thanks for my present "likewise" Tom replied talking about the gift I got him it was a book of drawings that I made for Tom it was about how we met but drew out I also added a $50 gift voucher for anywhere of his choice. Then I thanked Downey he knew how much I wanted that ring I got him some stuff he asked for.

*Chris POV*
As we got home M went straight to bed she was probably tired out from the night before. I sorted some stuff out down here and made two hot chocolates and went into Millie's room as I went in she sat up and slid down to the other side of the bed for me to sit on I gave her a hot chocolate "thanks" M said "no problem long day huh?" I said "yep just wish I was in a better mood sorry" M apologize making me feel upset "no no don't worry about it you got into a better mood once we talked about it" I said getting a nod in return as she shuffled up close to me and placed her head on my shoulder still sipping her drink.

After we finished our drinks I told Millie to get some rest and kissed her forehead and then left the room. 2 hours passed and I needed a drink as I couldn't fall asleep I walked past Millie's room with her light on I went in to see M asleep at her desk where she had been drawing a black and white picture of two people laying down staring at the starts outside it was beautiful I love seeing the creative side of Millie. I wrapped a blanket around her turned off the light and left the room.

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