Birthday? pt.2

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*Millie POV*
As I saw them walk back out I was scared with what Robert was going to say he just gave me a big hug he is such a goofball. "Hey Dorito can you get that box over there for me please" Robert said asking Chris "Dorito?" I questioned laughing "yeah I call Chris that because his body it the shape of a Dorito" Robert explain laughing Chris then came over with a box "thanks" Downey said thanking him and then gave the box to me as I opened it I saw an old record player that used to be my moms I didn't know that Robert had it "really?" I asked as Robert gave a nod and I hugged him "what is it?" Chris questioned "my moms old record player we used to dance and sing all the time with this thing" I said smiling at the thought and Chris gave a big smile.

*Chris POV*
As I saw Millie's face lit up to this present I knew that she was no longer thinking about school or all the bad stuff at this moment I'm sure it will come back and if so I will help her out with it. "Chris?" Millie said pulling me out of my thoughts and was about to hand me a piece of cake and then gave a look to Robert and slapped the cake into my face all I could hear then was Millie and Robert laughing I then started to join in and wipe the cake off my face I'll get my revenge.

As Millie and I got into the car she thanked me for a good day "no worries Millie just wish I knew that it was your birthday sooner" I said "yeah sorry about that I wasn't in the right mind set last night to tell you" Millie confessed "it's okay Millie don't worry" I said letting her know I'm not angry with her. "Nice little prank you pulled on me earlier" I said making Millie laugh then said "hey it was the perfect opportunity you were pulled out of it with your thoughts". "Movie and ice cream when we get back?" I asked "you sure have something with ice cream don't you and sure let's do it" Millie responded making me laugh.

*at the house*
*millie POV*
When we got back Chris told me to get into some pajamas that we bought earlier that day it was an oversize black tee with gray shorts and a hoodie to cover my arms I wonder if Chris has notice that I don't think I will do it again for a while as I'm happy with Chris right now I thought smiling.

Hearing a knock at the door "come in" I yelled Chris walked in grabbed my pillows and bedding and went down stairs with me still standing in my room then next thing I know I got picked up and slung over Chris's shoulders and I laughed and kicked around trying to get down as he carried me down to the main room and dumped me on the couch I then turned around to see a fort thing that Chris crawled into and I followed there was a laptop with iron man ready to play and ice cream as Chris wrapped me in my blanket from my room and handing me my ice cream he then played the movie I was drifting off to sleep at around 11pm and fell asleep on Chris's shoulder hearing a slight chuckle from him.

*Chris POV*
As Millie fell asleep with her head on my shoulder I let out a small laugh at the cute sight and turned off the movie and went to sleep.

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