Back at school... ish

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*chris POV*
I was worried sending Millie back to school if them girls beat her up again I'm going to pull her out and get her to do online school. I dropped her off at school I walked her into the school so everyone knows I'm her dad and that should hopefully let them leave Millie alone. "Goodbye Millie" I waved "bye dad" Millie responded making me smile as the word dad.

*Millie POV*
I was worried about being back at school as I waved bye to Chris I walked in put my hood up and walked pass the girls who normally beat me up they didn't see me thankfully I was told to go to the headmasters office when I go back to school so I went. "Hi Millie how are you?" The head asked "I'm good" I responded "so your probably wondering why I asked you to come into my office I had a call from Robert the other week about when you get beat up but honestly I think your lying as you come into school without bruises and cuts" the head said making me angry "that's probably because you don't check on your students, I cover them up with makeup and your a rubbish head!" I yelled leaving the school and going to the park.

I called Tom I needed someone but my dad to talk to right now "hey can we talk" I asked "yes yes of course are you alright?" Tom asked worriedly "yeah just angry it was my first day back at school and the head wanted to see me in his office to sort somethings out with them girls who beat me up he then started accusing me of lying and that they would never beat me up as he's never seen any of my bruises so I said that it's because he never checks on his students and that I cover it." I told him letting go of all my anger "hey hey it's okay calm down everything will be alright just speak to Chris I'm sure he will sort it out" Tom said reassuringly "okay thank you Tom" I said "no worries call me later" Tom said hanging up

*chris POV*
I got a text from Tom saying that I should call Millie because he thinks that She won't call me so I worriedly called Millie. "Hey Millie is everything alright" I said quickly not giving her the chance to say hi " let me guess Tom?" Millie said sarcastically "yeah he told me to speak to you as he knew you won't call me" I explained "of course he will its just some stupid headmaster he accused me of lying about the girls beating me up as he doesn't see any bruises" Millie explained "okay Millie I'll sort this out you won't got to that school again I'll get you to do online school" I said with Millie agreeing. After we sorted it out Millie told me she was at the park and because I was doing a shoot she was just going to wonder around and do some bits and then we hung up. I then pull up my emails and emailed the school saying that Millie will no longer be attending I may have gotten angry but nobody has to know that.

*Millie POV*
After the call I felt more relaxed and then went on a walk what am I going to do for 6 hours I thought to myself. I could ask Tom if he wants to hang out I thought so I text Tom and he happily agreed as he wasn't filming anything today. Tom met up with me in the city center "hey Mils" I turned around to Tom calling me by my nickname that he gave me the first time we met "hey Tom" I responded we walked around laughing we got ice cream, went to the movies and done some shopping for Christmas as it's in a few weeks. Once we were done I had to go meet my dad so he hugged me and said bye I then walked to the park and waited for my dad.

As I sat down on the bench waiting for my dad I pulled out my sketch book and earphone and started to draw some flowers that were in front of me while listening to some music I didn't realize that my dad had arrived and sat next to me watching me draw until I turned to change the song I jumped a mile when I realized he was there sat next to me.

*Chris POV*
I drove to the park and pulled up I saw Millie drawing whilst listening to music she didn't realize I was there so I was watching her draw everything she drew was perfect the detail, the shading perfect. I was sat there for about 20 minutes and she still didn't notice until she went to change the song and I made her jump I laughed so much "how long have you been here?" Millie asked taking out her earphones "bout 20 minutes" I replied with a grin "why didn't you tell me?" Millie questioned "because I love watching you draw" I said earning a little chuckle from Millie.

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