Anxiety attack

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Hi there quick warning if you feel upset reading about anxiety then I would skip to the next chapter

*Millie POV*
Guess it's the first time for everything. When I woke up I went downstairs to grab a drink after having a dream that is was worrying me next thing next I was over thinking it and began to feel my chest tighten I didn't know what it was so I started to panic and freak out and was then crying yes it was a anxiety attack but I didn't know that at the time as this was happening.

My dad was on his way back from a long night of working at the set so I called the only person I could think of Tom he answered straight away "hey you alright?" He asked "uh I think somethings wrong with me" I said panicking and crying "okay breathe Millie I'll go get your dad" Tom suggest with me agreeing "I can't find him I think he's on his way home" Tom said "o-o-okay" I accepted still crying and out of breath "hey look I got to go just breathe until your dad gets there I'm sure he'll be there soon" Tom explained with me then hanging up.

I collapsed on the floor trying to catch my breath still crying until my dad came in he didn't realize I was there at first but then he looked around and saw me I was still on the floor crying and out of breath freaking out.

*Chris POV*
As I walked in I took my shoes off and then looked around to she Millie on the floor in tears and breathing heavily. I raced over there as fast as I can when I get next to Millie she was freaking out so much making her try to catch her breath even more. "Hey hey steady your breathing" I said pulling Millie into a hug she focused on her breathing and then was just crying I felt so bad for her.

"What was that?" Millie asked me "anxiety attack" I responded "well that was new" Millie admitted hanging up the phone that Tom was trying to ring. "How did that happen?" Millie asked "was you worrying about something?" I questioned "yeah" she admitted obviously she didn't want to think about it or talk about it I hugged her tighter.

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