Surf day

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*Chris POV*
I woke up still in the fort but with no sight of Millie and I started to worry I got out and looked around for her I found her in her room drawing at her desk I didn't disturb her but some how she knew I was there "sorry I couldn't sleep last night I had a nightmare it was around 3am so I decided to draw I didn't want to wake you" Millie said " wait 3? Millie it's 8 you've been up for 5 hours you've only had 4 hours of sleep Millie" I said worriedly "yeah well it happens" Millie responded "what was the dream about?" I questioned wondering over to Millie to see that she had drawn it was a beautiful rose with thorns it has everything perfect " it- it was about my dad" Millie started to explain it was the first time that she talked about her dad "he was abusive towards my mom and I when I was younger he left when I was 10, he used to get out knife and threatened us with it and he never caught us with it, it was normally just punching and pushing Robert knows so you don't have to worry there was a time when my dad did accidentally cut me with a knife though Robert doesn't know about that and neither did my mom that was what my dream was about" Millie explain then lifting up the side of her top to show a scar of when her dad caught her with a knife "Millie you should have woken me up" I said worried.

Millie started to clean up her desk and she had gave me the drawing of the rose she could tell that I liked it I was sure to frame it soon. I could tell that Millie was trying to stop herself from crying by cleaning up "what are your hobbies Millie?" I asked curiously "art, surfing and basketball" Millie responded my face then lit up to when she said surfing "welp now I know what to do today" I said smiling "what?" Millie asked confused "surfing!" I yelled excitedly I love surfing it's been a while "my board is at Roberts" Millie said "okay then we can get it on our way then" I suggest Millie responded with a nod.

*at Roberts*
"Hey kid" Downey said to Millie "hi we're here to get my surf board" Millie responded "right then it's in the garage" Robert said as Millie and I went to get her board "wait that's yours?" I questioned Millie "yep" Millie replied "I thought that was Downeys it's really cool" I said "thanks take a look round most of this stuff is mine" Millie said as I looked round I saw a box with old pictures of Millie in it I took one out it was one with Millie in a yellow dress and a red bow in her hair she looked about 3 it was so cute I thought putting the picture in my pocket I also found a basketball hoop and ball so I picked up the basketball and thrown it to Millie and she quickly turned around and caught it I was impressed not going to lie we grabbed the surfboard and went to the beach.

*At the beach*
*Millie POV *
As I was getting into my wet suit I notice Chris staring at something he was looking at my arms so that made me turn away and get into my suit quicker I knew that we will end up talking about it next thing I know I was picked up and thrown into the sea it was freezing Chris then laughed "that's pay back from the cake" Chris said still laughing

*Chris POV*
She caught me staring at her arms way to go Chris I know that she won't want to talk about it so instead I picked her up and thrown her into the sea to cheer her up which worked.

After we surfed we decided to go back get warm and have a hot chocolate which was nice but I really do need to speak to Millie about her arms but not now of course it was too nice of a time.

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