Chapter 4

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Severus- "Mr Potter may I ask why you have a fox with you?"

Harry- "she is my familiar, she bit me completing the familiar bond after I got her. Within the school rules it doesn't just stop at owls, cats, toads but Familiar who said person has bonded with are allowed within the school, it was either her or getting a snake and let's just say the snake I was going to get before I saw her had venom"

Severus- "then she is a better choice because having a venom snake would definitely not be allow compaired to her"

Harry- "thank you for my timetable" I say before seeing him nod his head before walking away to hand out the rest of the timetables

Draco- "seems like you haven't gotten on the wrong side of my godfather then"

Harry- I look to him "he's your godfather?"

Draco- I nod "yes"


Severus- "Weasley! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Ron- "I..I don't know sir"

Severus- I sigh "what is then a Bezoar?"

Ron- "I don't know"

Severus- "what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Ron- I shrug "still don't know"

Severus- "Twentu points from Gryffindor Mr Weasley, now can you Mr Potter me what they are?"

Harry- "asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite"

Severus- "Twenty Point to Slytherin Mr Potter, now why aren't any of you writing any of that down"


Harry- once everyone was gone except for Draco and Blaise who I asked to stay for me. I walk to the desk "thank you sir and your forgiven for her death, because in the end it isn't your fault because thinks happen for a reason like when you over heard the Prophecy, Dumbledore did that on purpose" I say before turning and leaving the room with the other two following behind me



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