Chapter 7

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Harry- I blink awake finding myself within the hospital. I groan as I slowly sit up seeing pain go through me. I then notice someone or something is lay down next to me. I lift up seeing and pulling her into my arms "oh I am so glad you are alright snow drop"

Poppy- "and I am glad you are now healed and awake"

Harry- I look up over her head "sorry for the trouble Madam Pomfrey"

Poppy- "no worries dear as long as you are awake and alive, you worried us there for a second if Professor McGonagall hadn't found them in time both of you wouldn't be within is anymore but I am glad she did and I luckily then could heal you because nothing was working before seeing as you are magically bonded to the little cute"

Harry- I smile "thank you for healing the both of us Madam"

Poppy- I smile "your welcome, now get to sleep you have been out for a week but you still next rest because you might seem to be healed perfectly but still doesn't go against you being tired"

Harry- I nod "will do" once she had walked away I lay down hugging her to my chest "don't worry snow drop no one will ever hurt you again, like I promised when that man was being cruel to you but I saved you and unfortunately broken that promise this time because it was out of my control but that is now excuse, when those boys come back in two months they are going to pay for hurt you"


Harry- I come out of the hospital wing the next day and way joyfully meet by my two best friends Blaise and Draco who greeted when I entered the great hall with then getting up and rushing over to me with Draco saying how happy he is that I am okay and alive and Blaise showed his appreations through the hug, turns out Blaise hasn't talked yet luckily the Professor know of his selective mutism but the only people he ever has talked to is Draco and his own mother, no one else not even the Malfoy's who have also thought of him as a son especially after the horrible murder of his father that happen in front of him because of his own uncle's jealousy and greed of wanting the family line, truly it was meant to be Blaise that day but if his father hadn't of come home early then Blaise wouldn't be with us today, his father was next on his uncle listen because Blaise's mother was unfortunately not able to have other children, Blaise was even a surprise after both of his parents were told they wouldn't be able to have a child, then he came along but I am glad he did or I wouldn't be able to survive without two of my best friends because atleast this time these are real true best friends instead of Granger and the Weasley's



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