Chapter 16

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Harry- I feel my necklace go off making me rush out of the guest room and down the stairs towards the front door of the manor. I smile as I open the door to see him there "it seems you have come back after all"

Tom- I smile walking over and pulling him into my arms "it sure has young one"

Lucius- I come rushing down with the other two following and seeing the sight before us "Welcome back my lord"

Tom- I nod "it's good to back Lucius"

Lucius- "why don't you come in my lord"

Tom- "oh Lucius, what did I always say about this lord business?"

Lucius- "never to call you it unless it's an meeting, that you wish for me to call you by your name"

Tom- "that's correct my dead friend and it still stands"

Lucius- I smile "of course Tom"

Harry- "so they know?"

Tom- "that I am a halfblood and about my past?" I see him nod "yes they do, they know everything after all I think Lucius, Narcissia and now there son as family, that also includes you Harry"

Harry- "thank you Tom"

Tom- "your welcome, now it's been along journey, some tea and biscuits sound brilliant at the moment"

Lucius- "come this way friend" I lead them into the living room

Harry- I sit down next to Tom who hugs me again before letting go "so are you back for good?"

Tom- I nod "I have young one, now how about a chat about what I have been up to and what I truly want for this world?"

Harry- I nod "that I would like to hear"


Harry- I groan waking up and seeing Draco had jumped onto the bed, and now it jumping up and down on it like a little kid "seriously Draco there are many more ways to wake me up then jumping on my bed like a three year old"

Draco- "oh but Harry, today is a special day"

Harry- I tilt my head scrunching my eyebrows together "it is?"

Draco- I chuckle but smile brightly at him "it's your birthday silly"

Harry- I think for a sec before releasing that what day it was and that he was correct "god your right, it's normal for me to forget though unfortunately"

Draco- "come on let's go downstairs" I grab his hand and gragged him out of the bed, and downstairs to the living room "Presents"

Harry- I gasp "I've never had a birthday before"

Lucius- "you haven't?"

Harry- I shake my head "my very first christmas was last year, were I got my cloak and other things as for my birthday got a necklace off Tom"

Narcissia- "oh you pood dear, well now you get to celebrate your birthday as much as you can" I say taking him over to where his presents is "go on, you can unwrapped them"

Harry- I open them up joyfully as positive energy goes through me "thank you" I say and hugging three of them

Tom- "don't forget mine Young" I hand him over his present which revealed the papers and blood potion "so what do you say young one?"

Harry- tears fall down as I look up and quickly hug him like a bear feeling him up back just exactly the same "yes, yes, yes"



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