Chapter 6

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Harry- I touch my chest when I feel pain go through me and I feel someone grab my arm to steady me.

McGonagall- "Mr Potter are you alright?" I ask luckily was walking to my classroom to get ready for next lesson with the third years

Harry- I shake my head "someone's hurting my familiar" I then feel everything getting to much before everything is turning black


McGonagall- I come rushing into the hospital wing "Poppy help him"

Poppy- I gasp seeing the cuts all over him "what's happened to him"

McGonagall- "someone and I think I know exactly who they are seeing as they weren't within my lesson today are now hurting his familiar, by the looks of it they are magically bonded"

Poppy- "go and find them now!"

McGonagall- I turn rushing out of the hospital wing when I rush around until I come outside seeing them hurting the poor creater "MR WEASLEY, MR THOMAS AND MR FINNEGAN, YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE NOT ONLY HURTING THE POOR CREATER BUT MR POTTER TOO!" I say grabbing one of the boy's away from the badly hurt and luckily I wasn't alone as two other Professor, Severus and Filius

Dean- "is Potter alright?"

McGonagall- "you shouldn't be asking that question seeing as you were here hurting his familiar"

Dean- "I tried to stop them but Ron Threaned me"

Ron- "no I never!"

Dean- "you did and I have the memories to prove it including you Finnigan who was happily to join in"

McGonagall- "we will see over these memories and see if you are telling the truth about this, now you two to the Headmaster office you are in so much trouble"


Dumbledore- "I am ashamed to ever think you would listen to me, I warned you to much hurt the creater or Harry, I wanted you to get close to Mr Potter , now you do and does this, I am disappointed in you Mr Weasley, I think you and Finnigan are going to spend some time at home for the next two months, thinking over what you have done, now leave my sight I can't even look at you right now" I say turning my chair looking away from him as I hear him leave "what was I ever think believing that your son could do this task"

Molly- "he can"

Dumbledore- "well he better prove that when he comes back because unfortunately I have to punish him which I think he deserves because if he is put with my side, let's just say Molly your son will be six feet under because he is going to get himself and other killed"

Molly- I sniff "yes my lord"

Dumbledore- "good now leave and teach that boy some manner and the right way"



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