Chapter 12

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Harry- I walk into the compartment with the two following behind. I go over and hug both Draco and Blaise "of course you know the Weasley twins"

Draco- I walk over hugging the two "thank you for protecting my cousin"

Fred and George- I smile "you welcome cutie"

Draco- I blush and move back over to were I was sitting before "so how was staying with the Weasley's"

Harry- "a nightmare but I am glad these two were there with me for the joy ride, the only other decent one was Percy who I bet should of gone into Ravenclaw"

Fred- "he was"

George- "like were supposed to be in Slytherin"

Fred- "but if we and percy didn't end up in Gryffindor we would be both kicked out of the family"

Harry- "what even Percy?"

George- "no other house was acceptable at all just Gryffindor"

Harry- "that's bullshit" I see the looks in there faces "I believe you but your mother is a right bullshiting bitch who should control her son just so they could grow up to be like her and others in the family"

Fred- I smile "I am glad that you believe us and that you agree with us"

Harry- "of course, your like family to be now same goes for Draco because he is actually family by blood but I didn't know that before and Blaise is family too" I wink to the silent boy seeing him blush which bring joy through me making me question myself.


Harry- I snort "of course"

Draco- "of course what?"

Harry- "I need her and let's just say she deserves to be in that house unlike the twins and Percy who deserve to be in there own true houses without their mother threatening them other wise"

Draco- "I'm glad I was born in my family because if would of not turned out right if I was in there family or any other because I am the way I am without my parents actions or personalities, I am completely different then both of my parents, out in public people would say other wise but when alone and home different"

Harry- I hum 'that I do agree with' I think to myself before smiling at him "well everyone deserves to be their own person and no one should say other wise"

Draco- "agreed"


Harry- I sigh laying in bed as I shiver with disgusted as I go through the memories of the night but the things that made me shiver was Dumbledore staring at me as probably trying to work me out be the look on his face before he kept moving backwards and forwards looking between me and Ginny, knowing what he is planning straight away makes me feel gross because of him as well as the potions in my system because of him, Ginny, Ron and Molly. Another thing was her staring at me just like she was throughout the summer, seriously women do you have staring problems or something or is it that your a good little girl for Dumbledore and would do anything he asked, probably even allow him to fuck her, if he asked her which makes me shiver a negative face and I scrunch my face up in disgust of that or me ever thinking or indicating to that



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