Chapter 5

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Ron- "I can't believe you betrayed us Potter by going into Slytherin"

Harry- "what's wrong with Slytherin?"

Ron- "All dark Wizards and Witches go there"

Harry- "wrong, there are dark wizards and witches in everyone house including Gryffindor door, for example Peter Pettigrew who everyone thought was light was truly ok the dark side and the secret Keeper to my family at the moment he is alive out there while pretending to be a pet rat, he has a missing his index finger on his right hand and everyone knows rat only live for two year for brown one and for black one eleven months" I say before leaving the great hall leaving a panicking Ronald Weasley who has his said rat in his hand.


That's correct everyone though he was dead but turns out he was alive and living as a house pet until someone pointed out that brown rats live only to two years and black one twelve months were as the said rat has been alive ten or so now.

He has has a trial not only is he am Illegal Animagus but also the death eater who told Voldemort were the Potter's are as well as killed twelve muggles befoe cutting his finger off to make people think that he is now dead before turning into the said rat. Sirius Black was then accused of being the one who was guilty of all three crimes even though there is now truly two crimes now.

Peter Pettigrew is now been scent to Azkaban and will be there for life while Sirius Black is now free and has been looked over by healers to make him healthier.

What does this make of the Ministry as is Sirius Black not the only one who was innocent of crimes or not the only one who was given a trial?

Rita Skeeter

Harry- I smile "well this is good"

Draco- "what is?"

Harry- "my godfather is now out of Azkaban and turns out this whole time was innocent, meaning...

Draco- I cut him off "that you don't have to go back to those horrible muggles"

Harry- "correct"

Draco- "who is your godfather?"

Harry- "Sirius Black, he even blood adopted me before the whole Voldemort thing happened he got my parents permission of course though"

Draco- "that makes us both blood family"

Harry- I smile "it sue does"



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