An Illegitimate Estate

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I entered the picturesque New Hampshire town an hour early for my meeting. A simple letter from a lawyer pulled me from my home in Arizona to this quaint Main Street. I never met my Great Uncle Alistair, but it didn't feel unusual that I was his only heir, given our small fractured family. The charming café called me to pass my hour within.

As soon as I settled in, an air-born toy car knocked me over the head. "I'm so sorry." The frazzled mother apologized.

"Barely a scratch for a car accident." I joked.

"Are you new in town?" It was an abrupt inquisition. "I'm sorry. Small towns make new faces stick out."

"It's fine. I just arrived today. I inherited a house from my Great Uncle Alistair."

"Alistair? In Sheridan?"

"Yeah, on Walnut Ave." A foreboding began to sink into me.

"Are you sure it's in Sheridan?"

I attempted to steady my hands as I confirmed with the letter again. "Yes, I'm meeting Mr. Leon to discuss details."

Something clicked, her expression filled with sadness and horror. She pulled her child to her protectively. "We should be getting home." She gave me another long warring look before departing.

I was still unsettled as I entered the law office. A handsome young receptionist eagerly greeted me. He felt out of place with the antique furnishings.

"Ms. Day?" His smile felt sinister.

"Yes." My muscles tensed from an unknown alarm.

"We've been expecting you."

An older man stiffly moving joined us from an office within. "Ms. Day?"

"Yes. Mr. Leon?" I pressed.

"Yes, please come right this way." He ushered me to his office.

"I'm glad you were expecting me. I stopped at a café, and a local woman seemed perplexed at the address. Do I have it wrong; 353 Walnut?"

"No, no." Mr. Leon's smile did little to dissuade my dread.

I was happy to divert my gaze to the entering receptionist. "I made tea. It's an old family blend."

The tea splashed down my throat, sending warmth throughout me. It wasn't the most appealing taste, but something about the sensation drove me to take sip after sip. I drained the mug quickly. "That was so soothing. I could fall asleep." My body grew heavy with aches spreading throughout. Even my eyes started to play tricks on me; Mr. Leon seemed to be growing younger as he sipped his tea. My eyes fell to my hands. They seemed to be aging tens of years in moments. I brought my hands up to my face feeling my once taut skin aging as well.

"You should rest." Mr. Leon smiled a youthful smile as he finished his tea. He suddenly appeared no older than his receptionist. "Let the life roll out of you. It's much easier that way, as easy as falling asleep." I found I couldn't keep my eyes open. They fell shut as I slumped into the chair deeply. It was as easy as falling asleep.

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