letter 5

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dear ricky,
its been two weeks since the surgery and i just get to go home today.

im sorry i havent written. i wanted you to have as many letters as i could give you but now you will miss two weeks worth.

it took longer than the doctors expected for me to recover and i didnt even wake up until 3 days after the surgery.

but by some miracle i survived. it was only today that the doctors told me they didnt expect it to go so well. they didnt tell me before because they didnt want me to be worried.

i will see you again tonight. i missed you so much. every day my moms keep asking me if i wanted to call you but i always said no. if you heard my voice you would realize i wasnt okay. but im alright now.

you know somethings wrong. ive been away too much and havent answered any of your facetimes always making dumb excuses. you know. but you wont ask me about it. but i know youre suspicious. i think the reason you dont ask is because youre afraid of the answer. just like i was.

love always, nini

dear ricky Where stories live. Discover now