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dear ricky,
before you my life was in black and white but now that i have you i can see colors again.

before you i always felt empty. i was a body without a soul, i was nothing. you made me feel again, you made me live. i remember thinking "im so alive right now. this cant be real. but i am real, i am here, my heart is really beating. i am so alive. come and check my pulse."

before you i had nothing and now i still dont have everything but it doesnt matter at all because i have you.

before you i was lonely and now im never alone.

before you i didn't believe in love. but i found out what love sounds like the minute i heard your voice. i found out what it feels like the minute you touched me. i found out what it looks like the minute i saw you.

loving you is like a breath of fresh air.

if you were wondering, thats what its like. thats what its like to be absolutely crushingly overwhelmingly in love with you.

love always,

dear ricky Where stories live. Discover now