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dear ricky,
since i only have one month left it seems that im getting sicker, but i think it is because i know ive only got a month and im just psyching myself out.

no matter the reasoning, i havent been feeling the best the past couple days but thats ok. i have still been out and about acting as if everything is normal because im trying to make this the best month ever.

you think im crazy because of how often we hang out. i used to only go out once or twice a week, not just with you, but with any friends, because i needed to recharge my social battery, you know? but now im always with people. you or kourt or ashlyn or carlos or gina. i want to get a lot of memories with everyone to cherish for my last month.

anyway, today after school we went to that one little diner a few blocks away from East High, and you put a quarter in one of those candy dispensers and gave me the handful of stale mike and Ike's that came out like you always do, and i almost started to cry. i wanted to cry because i realized that soon i will be gone and that very well might have been the last time you would give me stale mike and Ikes. and that one day, you will do little things like that for someone else.

love always,

dear ricky Where stories live. Discover now