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I woke up earlier than yesterday so there was enough time for me to have a good breakfast before going to school

"Good morning" Alexa greeted as I say on the dining table

"Good morning" I greeted her back

"When did you go up yesterday?" Sandra asked

"When we finish the movie you aren't around anymore?"

"I felt sleepy, and I didn't want to wake up guys up," I said, feeling uneasy about lying

"That's understandable"

"Anyway, how was the movie?" I asked, wanting to quickly change the topic

"Oh, it was so funny," Alexa said

"I thought I wouldn't be able to understand it before but it was very funny."

"That's good," I said, really happy that's they enjoyed the movie

It was time to leave. The time I spent I spent here was nice

"I hoped you enjoyed your stay here," Andrew said

"Of course" I replied

"Remember what my husband said. You're always welcome here"

"And maybe we can watch a movie together" Sandra added

Even though I smiled, there was no way that was happening

I hugged the three of them, and after saying bye we left the house. We went to our various cars this time, and without saying  anything to each other, we parted when we reached school

"Shannon!" Kim called, behind me, in the parking lot

I turned around, and before I could fully turn, she engulfed me in a hug

"I missed you," she said

I laughed

"Why are you acting as if you saw me last years ago. It had just been a..."

The rest of the words died in my throat as I saw the man. It had been years, but I still recognized him

"Why did you suddenly stop what you were saying?" Kim asked

"Oh, that my father"

My head whipped over to look at her

"What?" I asked

She beckoned on him, to come, and he did

I couldn't move. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe anything

"Dad, this is Shannon. Shannon, this is my dad, John" she introduced

"Hi Shannon, nice to meet you," he said as he brought out his hand

I looked away from his hand then at him. I took a step back, shaking my head

"No, no" I muttered as I shook my head, taking a step back

"Are you okay?" the man asked

I took another step back

He came closer, and before he could touch me, I moved away from his reach

"Don't touch me!" I screamed and ran inside, ignoring my name that kept coming out from Kim's mouth. Feeling nauseous, I ran into one of the female's bathroom stalls and started vomiting

"Shannon!" Kim called as she looked for me in the bathroom

"My goodness" she came beside me, held back my hair, and posted my back

I flushed the toilet and leaned against the wall, my strength gone

"Are you okay?" she asked, helping me from the floor. I learned on the slab

I couldn't say anything, so I nodded

"Let me call your mom," she said and brought out her phone from her bag

I held her hand which had her phone and shook my head. I closed my eyes and found strength

"I'm fine, just a little sick. I'll be fine after going to the nurse's room" I told her

"Okay, let's go," she said, but I stopped her

"I can go alone, you go ahead to class," I told her

"But..." the bell cut her off

I smiled quickly

"Go on" I encouraged her

"You better call me if something is wrong, okay?"

I missed my head and she left

I slipped back to the floor and placed my head on my hands which were on my knees

I had no idea what to do. Even if she was available, I couldn't call mom. The same goes for Edward. There ward only one person. Looking for strength again, I got up and headed to his hangout,  the rooftop

He wasn't there

I went to where he takes his class

He wasn't there either

I went to their hangout, but he also wasn't there


"What are you doing here?" Noah asked

"Where's Aiden?" I asked them

"I've checked everywhere he could be, but I can't find him"

"He's at his special place. Why? What's wrong?" he asked

I know where that is

I went to my car and type in the address on the G.P.S.

My hands were shaking throughout, so I pulled over, and gathered my wits to myself

I wiped my tears, but they kept on down pouring

Get a grip, Shannon, I told myself, but I couldn't

Driving in this state smelt danger, so I remained there until my head was, at least, a little bit clear

When I reached that state, I revived the engine, and continued driving, all the while, fighting to keep the tears at bay

It isn't him, it couldn't be him, I told myself

I kept telling myself those even though I knew they were just wishful thinking

Please, don't let it be him. Please

I begged no one in particular, but I knew my pleas were just heard by the empty space around me

I parked in the parking lot. I killed the engine, placed my head on my hands which were still gripping the steering wheels. I stayed like that for a while before I checked my phone. There were messages from Kim, but I couldn't check them. I shut down my phone and took a deep breathe while resting my head on the headrest

Everything's fine, everything's going to be fine, I told myself

I got out of the car

I rang the doorbell. He opened the door, and he looked as if he knew I was coming, and just saw me from the window

"What's wrong?"

Concerned laced his voice

"I saw my father"

A tear dropped as I said that statement, and more followed as I said the next sentence

It made me realize what was really happening, and it permanently crushed all my hopes and pleas

"And he's Kim's father"

HER HIGH SCHOOL LIFEWhere stories live. Discover now