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When is she coming? Hope this won't be for nothing? I asked myself as I poured another drink on her friend

As if she was answering my question, she came

"Shannon!" I called her name with pleasure

"You are finally here. I was starting to wonder when you were going to arrive. The party has been long going" I told her, and I saw her look at her friend's body and the ground

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a doubting Thomas

She took a deep breath and after a while, she opened her eyes and looked at me

"What in the world do you think you are doing right now?" she asked me, raising her voice

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked back pouring another drink to show her what I can do. Even with the staffs here, I can do what I can. I'm untouchable

"What?" I asked

"Am I doing something wrong. Like that male?" 

What will her reaction be? 

I wanted to know what she would say but, I guess she reacted in her mind

Her friend was about to look at her but, I forcefully grabbed her face back to me

No one turns their back on me

"You look at only me. You're my slave, you hear" I told her

"What?" she asked

"Oh, you didn't know. She's my slave, starting from today" I replied with satisfaction 

I removed my shoe, poured milkshake on the back

"You don't even deserve this but, since you're my slave, I'll give you this honor" I told her

She had better be grateful

I gave the shoe to her

"Drink it" I told her

As I was waiting for her to drink it, she was drag from the floor, and before I could either register anything or know what to say, I heard a sharp sound and felt a very painful sting on my face, my face turned to the side

She slapped me

After I registered what happened, I turned my face back only for her to slap me again on the other side

By now the murmuring were multiplied and increased

"Twice. I warned you twice, didn't I?" she asked

"I told you not to touch her. I told you that I wasn't going to stay still if you even touch a strand of her hair"

I turned my face back

"How dare you?" I asked her

"How dare me? How dare me what? Bring you to your senses?"

I stood up

"Do you know what you just did? Do you know the consequences? Do you know who I am? Do you?!"

"Who are you?! Who in the world are you, you crazy psycho trash?!!"  She paused, took a deep breath, and push her hair to the back

"Who are you? Answer me" she said, this time in a calm tone 

"I am..."

"The mayor's son, Aiden Parker? Someone who wears boxers? You think that's who you are? No" she asked and said the last statement with a smile

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