I have been dared again ! Oh dear... XD

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Hellu, I'm finally back ! :D
And this time I was dared once more !^^

The dare is been given by Bluesnowwolfe.
Thank you for your dare !^^

And here's what it says ! :)

,,If you're still doing this I dare you to kiss Ronald, William and Eric."

Oh dear... I'm going to get overtime for this q.q
First the hug and now a kiss !?
I guess, William will think I'm weird after this...
Oh well...!
You guys really like seeing me embarrassed, don't you ? D:

Anyways ! Again, if I'm going to s-survive that I'll let you know how it went.

Okay, who is going to be the first ???
*Has difficulty to decide between the three of them and decides to kiss first, whoever crosses my path first*

Me: *Goes out of my office already blushing a bit and walks down to hallway searching for any of those three*

After I didn't find Eric, Ronald or William I just decided to go to the break room to check if one of them might be there.
I wasn't really too surprised to find Ronald there, since he usually doesn't do much work^^'"

Me: *Shyly walks up to Ronald, being visibly nervous*

Ronald: *Looks up abd smiles at me, while I'm debating on weater to run away or not*

Ronald: Hey Alan !
What's up !

Me: *Nervously shudders*
T-there's a favor, I-i would like t-t-to ask of y-you...

Ronald: *Smiles* Sure, what is it, ya need ?

Me: C-could you get up f-for a moment ?

Ronald: *Wonders why I'm so nervous* Sure. *Gets up*

Me: *Grabs his chin and quickly kisses him*

Ronald: *Is dumbstruck and slightly blushing as he tries to process what just happened*

Me: B-bye and thank you !!!
*Literally races out of the break room as fast as I can and runs over William by accident*

William: *Is looking at me, shocked*

Me: *Is starring back, just as shocked*

Yes, so I ran William over because i wasn't paying attention to where i was running...^^'"
But you'll never believe what happened next !!! >\\\\\<

Me: *Runs William over and accidentally french-kisses him, right on his lips*

William: *Seems to be in some kind of trance caused by the shock*

Eric: *Sees the whole scene and quickly walks up to us, while death-glaring at William*

Me: *Finally regains my composture from the shock and pulls away quickly as I get off of him*

William: *Sits up and is clearly still in shock*

Me: *Stands up and wants to help William up*

Eric: *Pushes William out of his way and and grabs my collar french-kissing me*

Me: *Blushes so hard that my face matches Grell's hair*

Eric: *Let's go of me and death-glares at William again*

Me: *Unable to react and shudders*

Eric: I'm not sharin' ma personal proberty, got tha' ?! *Glaring*

William: *Doesn't know how to react and just turns on his heel to go hide into his office*

Grell: *Tackles William and french-kisses him as well*

William: *Flinches visibly*

Grell: And I'm not sharing mine either, darling ! *Death-glares at me*

Me: *Is still too dumbstruck to react to anything*

Me: *Suddenly just runs into my office and hides for the rest of the day*

Eric: *Smirks*

Well, Eric got five hours of overtime for pushing William and guess, who's stuck to share the amount of overtime with him for accidentally kissing William...

Yes. I am.
*Blushes red again and gulps touching my lips*
I really hope Eric doesn't hate me now...

A-anyways ! Unfortunately that's already it for the chapter...
I'm really sorry it's so short.
But once i get more dares to fullfill or more questions to answer there will be a new chapter ! :)

Oh well, I have to go and do overtime with Eric now.

-Alan Humphries signing off ! :)

Goodbye ! :)

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