The dare-bear strikes again ! :D

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Yes ! It's the second chapter today and I'm super happy, that people like my book so much !^^
Thank you so much for always coming back ! :D

And that's, what the dare-bear said !^^

,,I dare you to wear a dress for work for the whole day.
The color is your decision."

And there's my dignity going into the minus-numbers...^^'"

Anyways ! Let's go !^^

I don't know much about woman's stuff, so i guess, I'll best ask Grell about it^^

Me: *Goes over to Grell's office and knocks on the door*

Grell: Come in, darling~

Me: *Enters Grell's office*
Uhm, Grell ?

Grell: Yes, darling ?~

Me: *Is blushing red*
Uh... Uhm... Uuhm... Ah, i-i... Uhm...

Grell: As cute as your shuttering is, darling, please speak up~

Me: I-i-i... I was dared to wear a dress and i need your help, since i have no idea, how to deal with womanly stuff ! >\\\<
P-please help ! D':

Grell: *Gasps*
Oh, darling !~
Of course, I'm helping you !~

T-thank you...
*Looks down in embarrassment*

Grell: *Jumps up and grabs my armdragging me after herself*

Me: *Has trouble keeping up with Grell*
W-where are we going, Grell ?!

Grell: To my place, darling !~
*Runs down the hall with me*

When we arrived at Grell's place, i wasn't very surprised, that her whole furniture and walls were red...
Grell quickly run into her room and opened her wardrobe.
Everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, was red, except a few little things.
Grell immediately went for a thrilly dress in beige.
One a second look, I've noticed, that it was the dress, i was wearing at Druitt'äs gala once !!!

Me: *Blushes dark-red*
W-where did you have that from ?!

Me: You looked so cute in this beige dress and i saw, how Eric was looking at you, darling~
So i thought, I'd keep it for you~

Me: I'm a male !
W-why would you do that ?!

Grell: I was waiting for your coming out, of course, darling~

Me: I'm not identifying as a females, Grell ! ):

Grell: But you'd make a fabulous, cute girl, darling~

Me: Just give me the stupid dress, so i can get it over and done with... -.-

Grell: There you are, darling~
*Gives me the dress*

Me: *Takes it, without saying anything, due to the fact, that I'm currently dying inside and puts it on, then comes back*
I'm done.

Grell: Onto your hair and makeup, darling !~~~

Me: Wait, hey !
I was only dared to wear that bloody dress, not makeup ! D:<

Grell: *Gives me a full makeover anyway*

Me: -.-*
*Goes back to work with Grell*

Grell: *Is talking about Sebastian*

Me: *Rolls eyes and enters the dispatch-building*

On the way to my office, i bumped into Ronald, who tried to hold his laughter back with big effort.

Me: Yes. I'm aware, I'm wearing a dress...

Ronald: *Bursts out laughing*
Sorry, buddy...

Me: Mhm... Sure...
*Goes to the break room to get a coffee, but unfortunately everyone is there eating lunch*

William: *Just raises an eyebrow and gives me a Are-you-kidding-me-look*

Othello & Undertaker: *Laughing together for once*

Eric: *Blushes dark-red*

Grell: Doesn't Ally just look fabulous, darlings ?!~

Ronald: *Comes running in*
Hey guys, did you see, what- !
Oh. You already did :D

Me: I hope, you guys soon get the same dare, since you all have a ask & dare-blog as well !
*Walks into my office as elegant as an overweight elephant, because i can't walk in these shoes*

Hmph ! That was mean of them to laugh at me !
So as i said, they all have a ask & dare-blog as well, so please feel free to dare them to another death! >:'D

Anyways !^^
This chapter is unfortunately over and i hope, my embarrassment was to your liking :3
As always, please feel free to dare me to anything or ask me anything, you like^^

Alan Humphries signing off ! :)

Goodbye ! :)

Ask and dare Alan HumphriesWhere stories live. Discover now