Part 4 Chapter 24

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                                                                   5 months

- Hello, Mr. Sullivan, we are glad to see you standing up. Miss Parker was expecting you. Are you ready to meet your baby for the first time?

- Oh yeah! Said Steven enthusiastically.

I am lying on the exam table in the gynecologist's office. Steven, still a little disoriented by the length of his coma, was taken by wheelchair to my bedside by a nurse. We waited until Steven was a little more recovered before finally knowing the sex of the baby. I wanted us to live this moment together. Six months pregnant, it is high time that we see our baby through the ultrasound.

After coating my stretched skin with an ultrasound gel, the doctor places the probe on my well-rounded belly. We turn to the screen to look closely at what is going on. At the very start, the images are blurred, but the doctor seems to know what she is doing and continues her exploration by pressing a little harder to obtain the desired images. The gynecologist points her finger at the screen where a tiny human form is drawn while continuing to move the probe with her other hand.

- Steven and Jenny, this is your baby. Here is his head, his two arms, his little heart, his two legs ... But wait, what do I see there? It's another little head and another heart beat.

Steven suddenly gets up from his wheelchair to take a closer look at the screen. He is shocked and I am just as astounded as he is. The doctor notices our panic and laughs.

- Don't worry. It just means that you're expecting twins. Each one has its own placenta, so they are not identical twins. From what I can see, they are perfectly healthy and very vigorous. Do you want to know their gender?

- Hum, hum, we respond in unison under the effect of surprise.

- Let's look at the first one. If he wants to turn around a bit, we can see what's hiding between his little legs, said the doctor, moving the probe to see better. It seems like he understood me. Look here, we see that there is a little piece sticking out and this is not the umbilical cord. So, congratulations, you're going to have a beautiful boy.

Steven lets himself fall back into his chair, no longer able to be supported by his tired legs. He displays a smile that I have not seen for a long time, his joy is euphoric. I look for Steven's hand and notice that tears of joy slide down his cheeks. He gets up from his chair again and leans on the armrests to help his legs who have been lacking in physical activity for several months. He places a tender kiss on my lips, the mother of his future children. Sitting back in his chair, he signals to the doctor to continue. There is yet another baby to meet.

- Are you ready for the second one? Let's go to this side. Here are her two little legs and nothing. So, congratulations again, you're going to have a little girl.

- A boy and a girl, said Jenny enthusiastically. We're going to have a lot of work to do my love.

We all start laughing heartily. Despite the surprise of learning that we will have two babies, we literally float. Our love will only grow while waiting for the arrival of these two little beings who will be like their parent.

Steven is recovering very quickly from his hospitalization. His leave is granted two weeks after meeting our two little baby through ultrasound. We spend the rest of the summer taking care of each other. With Christine, we are robbing baby shops. The apartment becomes a real daycare. There are baby accessories everywhere and each item is duplicated. Steven is as mad as his mother. Every day, he comes back with new surprises for his future babies. He is adorable and takes his father role very seriously.

My belly is getting bigger. My pregnancy is going wonderfully. Classes at the University start again before I have had time to give birth. So, it is with sadness, but with wisdom that I put my projects on hold for a while. I tell myself that it does not matter, since I have a bigger project, which will soon monopolize all my time.

When Steven receives approval from the doctor to return to work, he is happy, but also disappointed that he will no longer be by my side every minute. I reassure him as best I can, and he happily returns to his place in the garage. He needed it and so did I. He was pacing around the apartment, which annoyed me the most. He also tended to be at the forefront of all my actions so that I would not tire myself more. It was very attentive and cute on his part, but very exasperating. He also resumes his distance courses to become a mechanic. He works very hard as far as possible in his studies so that he can be by my side when the time comes.

Life goes on as planned and everything goes smoothly.

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