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Her Form:

Name: Horizon

Age: 18

Gender: Femme

Species: Cybertronian

Bot or Con: Autobot

Primary Colour: Light blue

Personality: Intelligent, logical, loyal, stubborn.

Backstory: She was a warrior during the war, nothing major had happened to her until she met Highfire, a brutal Decepticon who was extremely stealthy. She jumped her and gave her a scar across her faceplate, which has since been painted over. Since then, she became more sensible and has even resorted to not using contractions.

Crush: None.

Weapons: Blasters and blades similar to Arcee.

Additional Info: She is a motorcycle similar to Arcee, only she isn't so passionate about letting others ride on her.


She is stealthy and fast, not letting her enermies get the drop on her. She is also intelligent, causing her to think before she acts.


She rarely shows emotion, so she keeps things bottled up inside. She is also afraid of letting others down, making her feel like a failure if she does.


(No artwork yet)

If you have any questions for Horizon then let me know in the comments!

Starburst out.

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