{4} the truth

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u weren't in the mood to talk to Klaus about what happened so u kept walking towards your apartment until Klaus appears in front of u "so u knew this whole time" he said with a smirk" ye I did and I would like to keep it a secret for much longer" you say with a straight face " now I must be going good bye Klaus" u give him a weak smile before taking a step and all u see is darkness u must've passed out from the loss of blood . u wake up to an un familiar room , is sit up on the bed and see Elijah mikaelson leaning against the door way to this bedroom "ah so your awake finally I'm Elijah Klaus's brother " he says in a rather calm voice " my name is y

and I would so like to ask why I'm not at home but instead I'm here "you say in a bit of an annoyed tone " I guess u don't remember u passed out due to the loss of blood and Klaus didn't know where u lived so he brought u here  " he says in a curious voice "well thank u for your hospitality but I really should be getting home now" u get out of bed and see your in the same clothes from yesterday "its better if u rest u still might be weak from yesterday " "nope I'm fine tell Klaus I said thank u"

u walk out of them room and head down the stairs remembering where to go because of the series u head to the entrance until u bump into someone and that someone is Klaus "oh I'm so sor-" "oh so your finally awake how's that arm of yours does it feel better?" he asks with a bit of concern "oh um its fine thanks for asking thank u again I should be heading back home" u say while walking past him with a tint blush on your face (was Klaus really concerned about me ?) u were thinking until u bumped into someone  again! and u knew who it was  and well  it was marcel "um hey-" u said "what were u doing at the mikaelsons house? "he asks u "oh um I i lost my wallet and Klaus found it so i came by to go get it" u say trying to sound convincing as possible. u notice him looking down at your injured arm , u quickly pull down your sleeve hoping he didn't see it "that fucking bitch "he mumbled with pure anger , he was about to go in until u pull on his arm "it wasn't Klaus who bit me  " "so u knew this whole time that we were vampires" he asks , u just nod "i drink vervain so when u tried to compel me it didn't work " , marcel was about to say something until your phone started ringing and when u looked at the screen the caller was named mom and your contacts , u start to tear up , u quickly answer the phone "m-mom? is that u ?" u say with a voice crack "sweetheart where have u been we have been trying to call u for days why haven't u answered!" u stay still not answering her question , u didn't even know how its possible for her to call u "just wait until your father hears about this !!" "u mean step father , the one who abuses me " u say in a cold voice with tear stains on your face "hunny -" u hang up the phone . marcel looks at u with pure guilt and concern , " she had the audacity to call me and bring him up" u say almost tearing up again "marcel I have to go goodbye" u walk right past him grazing your shoulders together , when u get home the pure rage hits u hard , u throw a vase onto the ground cutting your hand while in the process and u throw everything of your table onto the ground , u slid down your wall crying "why ?" was the only thing u thought of . u hear a knock on your door hours later with u still on the ground being all depressed , u look threw the peep hole and see marcel, Klaus , Elijah and Camille , u quickly go grab a jumper and escape using the fire escape and head to the streets . After a long time of walking 4 vampires jump in front of u "and what do we have here " the tall vampire smirks "I think we found are dinner" the other says " bite me I dare u I have vervain in my system so I don't think u would want a sip" u say coldly" your bluffing "he say and then the 4 vampires advance on u until three familiar vampires stop them and snap there necks , u let out a breath u didn't know u were holding , Camille starts hugging u , but u show no emotion at all.

 u then hear whispers in your head but u try to ignore it " sorry for worrying u" u say with no emotion . the whispers get louder and louder ( its like when the ancestors try talk to Divina but does it have to hurt this bad) u place your hands on your ears to try stop the whispering but it just gets louder and louder and louder , Klaus quickly appears beside u "u alright love?" he asks " just make it stop IM SORRY PLEASE just stop" u say while screaming in pain and u fall to your knees . the ancestors were mad that u are a stranger to this world. "hey hey listen to me ok marcel has gone to get Divina and everything will be fine after just try to endure it " Klaus says with a calming voice . it felt like hours when it was only minutes , you eyes started to cry blood and have a blood nose , u just couldn't handle it anymore . u see Divina run up to u bending down to your level and tried to speak to the ancestors , but somehow u knew what she was saying , after a few minutes everything went numb it finally stopped but seconds late u fall unconscious .......... 

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