Chapter 4: The Fight

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Everyone looked behind to see a Luxray behind Alaska.

Luxray: Hey Glaceon~.

Alaska: Uh hi? (Oh fuck he sounds like a playboy or something.)

Luxray: I haven't seen you around here. You new~?

Alaska: Uh yeah...

Luxray: How about I show you around the school and we could talk.

Static: Will just go away. I alright showed her around.

Will: Well then I might as well sit here so I continue to talk to her.

Static: You're making her uncomfortable idiot.

Will: Hey! I'm no idiot, I'm the most amazing, strongest, sexy, and smartest guy in the world!

Will screaming about how he was the best starting to attract students who started to watch.

Everyone at the table: (His ego is fucking stupid big. Arceus help us all.)

Static: What other lies that your mom told you did you believe?

Every student: Damn that was a good roast.

Will: *ego gets checked* (Static has got me looking stupid! How dare he!) Well at least I'm not stupid like you.

Static: Well I may be stupid but at least when I match on Tinder it's a hot girl, all you get is your cousin.

Will: *his ego breaks in half*

Every student was now paying attention to the murder of Will's ego at the paws of Static.

Will: (I'm losing... No I'll not lose. I have one more thing I could say.) Well I maybe dating my cousin but at least I've never been accused of killing my mom. You wouldn't know of course. (And I've won!)

Every boy student except Halo and Vortex: (Did Will just... that's fucked up...)

Every girl student except Alaska, Glimmer, and Lovely: That was too far...

Halo, Vortex, Glimmer, Lovely, and Alaska: *looks at Static and sees electricity coming off of his body* (Oh no.)

In a second Static went from siting on the table to disappearing entirely. Will noticed this and decided to act cool by calling him out.

Will: Oh Static I hurt you feelings, I'm sorry- *laughing* Who am I kidding.

Alaska: (First day of school and I can feel hell about to break loose.)

As everyone kept talking about how much of a dick Will was, he continued to laugh. He kept laughing until he fell a sharp pain in the stomach and got sent flying into a wall. Static came out of nowhere

Will: Ow fuck! *looks at Static* What the-!

Static's tail started to glow white as he was using Iron Tail.

Static: *hits Will hard in the head*

Will: *starts bleeding*

Static: *starts punching Will*

Will: *tries to fight back but barely gets to hit Static*

At the time school started to break the two apart but Static kept on using Thunder. Finally a Swampert and Sandslash pulled a bruised Static off of a very bloody Will. Will tried to attack Static back but a Marowak and a Flygon grabbed him. During all of this the teachers and Mr. Sans finally came down to see the boys looking like they had just come from a war-zone.

Mr. Sans: What is going on here!

Will: *starts to cry to get on the side of the teachers and tells the teacher what happened*

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