The Torture

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Lyra PoV
(Lyra and Will 17 in this AU)

It's been about a week since they took me, I'm weak I can't move they keep injecting Pan with something it's making me weak but they keep coming in and trying to get information they hit me and they strangle pan and it's so painful but I have to stay strong Will and Lee will come for me.

Week two went similar however they started cutting me. It's horrible they would tie me to a table and start carving me like I was nothing I've ever felt before. I just wanted it to stop but I kept my Will strong and gave nothing away. 

Week Three they haven't fed me for three weeks they hurt me everyday and they say nothings working to break me. They say their bringing someone special in I'm a little nervous. I'm numb I can't move I feel broken

Week four it's been a month and this nee doctor is horrible he experiments on me and Pan to see how we react he pokes me and prods me he is killing me ive scars all over my body.


(Torture Session warning )

I woke up to water being thrown over me.

(S - Scientist)
S- Get her up on the table
L- no get off me leave me alone

I struggle and I try so hard I do but they are so much stronger.

S- today we carry  on our Daemon testing
L- no you leave Pan alone
S- hey hey girly I'm in charge not you okay
L- no my friends are coming for they will be here
S- oh honey they aren't coming it's been six weeks they've forgotten about you.
L- your lying
S- I'm not but don't worry (stroking her face) I'll take care of you don't worry your mine now the magisterium have said that I can do anything which means I can continue my Deamon separating work.
L- Pls don't do this i beg you it won't end well I'm the child of a prophecy and that must be fufilled
S- I've had enough of your voice I think it needs to go
L- What what are you doing
S- This serum was created by me it stop your voice for about a two months and if I inject you four times the amount doubled you won't be able to speak for a whole year how fun.
L- please don't do this please
S- Shh now Lyra

Few moments later
S- now that your quite i think it's time we got on with out experiment. 
he continues this torture for about six hours before I'm thrown into the corner.  I've never felt weaker.

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