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A/N: I wasnt really thinking of making this story, it just started out as an idea.. But the succes of my other story got me thinking.. So here it is!


I was normal, five ft. five, blonde hair to my shoulders, guys said I had a nice body, and I designed computer codes. How normal could I get? Why me of, all people, had to go through this? I guess it all started with that damn package. I wish my dad would have just left me out of his 'work'. Thanks to his carelessness I'm stuck in a life or death situation thats probably going to end in death!


I pranced around my house singing my favorite songs, like I did every day. Since I was a computer code designer, I didn't to go to an office much. So I spent a lot of my time singing. After awhile, I finally sat down at my desk and began to type while eating a sub sandwhich. I sighed, taking another bite. Don't get me wrong, I love my job! But, sometimes, it gets boring.

I typed skillfully, finishing up the last code for a program I had come up with. I piched it to my director and he gave me the athority and money to finish it. I was so proud of myself, I was finally on my way to success. I tapped the last number and then sat back in my chair, savoring my sandwhich.

"Enjoying a break?" I choked and coughed, turning to see no one there, I frowned.

"Not there, your computer." I instantly knew who it was. Rolling my eyes, I heaved a sigh and turned back to my screen to see a wonderful grinning face.


He was an amazing hacker and was in this thing called 'Fairy Tail'. He never told me what it was. Gray started out as my PinPal in High School, but after that, we never lost contact. Now he has a habit of hacking into my camera and just showing up whenever.

"Wurt do ya' want Gray?" I asked, my mouth full. He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

"Well I wanted to tell you something. But if it's a bad ti-"

"What is it?" I asked, finishing my sandwhich.

"My friend and I are going to Cedar for some 'business' and I was wondering if you would want to have dinner with me. Ya'know get to know each other." Gray blushed and scracthed the back of his neck. Was he asking me out?

"Pfft.. Get to know each other? You've known her for three years and she knows more about you than Juvia does!" A husky voice belted in the background. Gray glared at what I asumed was the owner of the voice.

"Can it pyro!" Gray growled, I giggled.

''You're just mad because you know I'm right!" The other one growled back.

"Sounds like You're asking for a fight, fire breath."

"Bring it, Stripper." I saw a flash of pink before the camera shook. Gray and a boy with strange pink hair began fight.

"Come on guys, just because Erza isn't here doesn't mean you can fight!" A thin, girly voice was heard. A young girl about my age with short blue hair showed up on screen. She took in a deep breath and screamed.

"Don't you guys ever listen? I said stop fighting!" she was loud, and scary. They emidately stopped.

"Goodness.." The girl sighed and walked away. The boys stood there for a minute, until the pinkette's eyes landed on me. He walked to the camera, getting extremely close. His eyes were captivating, a beautiful onyx, something I had never seen. His pink hair was spiky and I kinda wanted to see how it felt, even though we were miles away. Over all, he was very handsome, I wanted to see him in person.

"Who is this?" The boy asked, raising a brow and coking his head. He looked adorable.

"Oh shit! Lucy, I'm sorry! I forrgot you were there!" Gray exclaimed, I smiled.

"It's fine Gray!"

"Wait- this is Lucy?! Pfft, dude she is soo out of your league! I mean, she really hot and your just.." They pinkette trailed off. I blushed.

"OI! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Gray yelled. The pinkette only laughed.

I didn't want to hear the rest of their conversation, I turned off my computer. Sighing, i stood and stretched. I casually walked around my studio apartment until I heard a soft knock. I swiftly walked to the door and opened it a crack.

"Hello?" I asked, insppecting the area carefully. I noticed a small package on my doormat. i nelt down and grabed it before returning back inside. Going to my couch, I began opening the package. A letter and something in a small box sat in the packaging. I read the letter first.

My dearest Lucy,

I'm glad you got this package safely. As you know, my work makes me do stupid and dangerouus things. I hate saying this in a letter, but one of those dangerous things is leaving you for a long time. I give you these two things to remimder me until then.

Good Bye Lucy

Love, Your Father

I read the letter carefully. looking to the box that sat on my coffe table, I pondered whether I should open it or not. After awhile, I grabed it and opened it carefully. There, on a small cushion, sat a dazzling necklace. It had two charms, a key with an egravement of my name, and a crystal heart with something inside the middle. It was beautiful. I smiled.

Little did I know, that necklace would be the death of me.

Fairy Tail: Crime Unit(Nalu, Gale)Where stories live. Discover now