Chapter 17

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The trio saved a life. Newt's life. Theseus was still trembling at the thought, the others smiling. Dumbledore appeared abruptly, to everyone's surprise.

"You're back." Theseus mused.

"I am." he replied, "Nice to see you Newt."

"Hello, Headmaster," he spoke quietly, hoping to avoid Dumbledore's presence.

"So..." Dumbledore paused, giving a glance to each of them. "How does it feel to escape the clutches of death?" he spoke with an excited tone.

"I'm glad to be alive." he quietly sighed, "The time I spent away from you all felt much like death anyways."

"Aw..." both the girls murmured in unison.

"And Theseus, how does it feel to save a life?" he continued, his attitude much like a journalist's.

"Heroic." he stated, "But more importantly, it was the decision I had to make. My brother wouldn't be here if we didn't take action. It was a life or death situation for him. It would be cruel of us to choose death." he spoke, his brain trying to relieve itself from the mere thought of his brother's possible loss, even though he was living.

"Interesting." he nodded. "Now, to the girls. How did it feel to assist Theseus?"

"It felt strange..." Leta said. "Like the weight of the world was pressing against you," she spoke sadly, her shoulders sagging.

"Pretty much the same for me." Noelle commented, "But..." she paused.

"Go on." Dumbledore gestured to her.

"Now that you know you've saved someone, it felt empowering. Inspiring almost." she smiled, "Even more so if it's a person you love, in more ways than one!" she giggled. Newt pulled up the bedsheets, attempting to hide his feelings. His cheeks were like cherry blossoms in the spring weather.

"You better rest up now Newt. Before anything else happens." Dumbledore winked at him, before disappearing like a vampire to sunlight.

"I sure will." Newt sighed again, continuing to block Dumbledore's presence out of his mind.

"What else could happen to me?" he thought curiously. "I've gone to hell and back."

"I think I've stayed here long enough..." Leta smiled. "You recover now Newt. See you soon."

"Bye," he replied, almost timidly.

"C'mon Theseus!" she exclaimed, "I think your brother needs some time alone." she extended her hand out to him.

"Alright," he replied. "See you on the other side!" he smiled before taking her hand and swirling through the air.

"The spotlight is killing me!" he thought. The only person left was Noelle in the deserted wasteland of the hospital. She twiddled her thumbs and stared at him compassionately, moving towards the hospital bed.

"Why aren't you going?" he questioned her.

"I think that I haven't said any proper goodbyes," she smirked, before leaning in and kissing him.

He quietly gasped, although he expected something like that from her. He attempted to reciprocate, but he couldn't muster up the courage. His eyes averted her hazel gaze when she pulled away.

"Come on!" she encouraged him, "You only live once, so you better live fully." she smiled, realising the realness of her words.

"Hm..." he pondered, "Can I do this?" he questioned himself. "I think I can. Bring light to the dark!" His thoughts finally came to a conclusion.

He nodded his head with confidence. That was all she needed. The two, now more confident souls, kissed with great pleasure. Newt felt the impact immediately, the wonderful sensation clearing away his internal injuries. Noelle desired this feeling ever since she laid eyes on him, the man that she thought was ever so tall and handsome as hell. The pair couldn't let go.

When they did, they both smiled sheepishly. Noelle giggled.

"You did it!" she smiled enthusiastically.

"I did." he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the goosebumps plastered there. "I needed some light in my life. You." The twinkle in his eyes shone radiantly as he spoke.

"Well. It's getting late." she frowned. "The time is now. See you tomorrow, sweetheart."

"See you then, sunshine." he winked as she spun her wand around her, fading into nothingness.

"See you then." he smiled dreamily. His skin started tingling at the thought he might not be there in the morning. To counter this, he muttered,

"I'm alive. And I kissed a girl! I guess that's proof." He made a mental note to capture all the wonderful moments he spent with her before his time really ran out. His curtains closed over him as he faded into dreamland, the land where anything was possible. 

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