8. Meeting The Torres

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Demi POV

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Demi POV

I can hear people talking more like whispering and I slowly turn over and feel a body next to me, I squint my eyes and see Rocco sleeping snuggled up to me, we must of fallen to sleep during the movie. I slowly get up and walk towards the kitchen and see everyone, Robin, Cole, Callum, Ethan and a older man and women who must be his dad and mum.

They all turn and see me and I want to be shy but I have never been a shy person or cared what people thought of me and that's the same now, I know this is Rocco family and I'm his girlfriend now but if they don't like or can't accept me for who I am then that's there problem.

Demi – Good morning! Good to see you again Robin, Cole and Ethan. Did you have a good night sleep Callum?

Callum – I did, thank you for reading me my book!

Demi – Your welcome monkey.

The older women and man stand up and walk over to me and smile.

Demi – Hi, you must be Rocco's mum and dad, Chloe and Ricky if I'm correct?

All of a sudden Chloe pulls me into a big hug and then Ricky hugs both of us and I can't help but smile.

Chloe – It's so lovely to see you again.

I pull back and look at them.

Demi – Again?

They look at me weirdly.

Chloe – Rocco didn't tell you?

Demi – Tell me what?

Chloe – Umm...

Rocco – Morning everyone!

I feel arms around my waist and I turn to Rocco and cross my arms.

Rocco – What have I done wrong now?

Demi – What haven't you told me? Your mum said it's lovely to meet you again?

Rocco – Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you last night, remember how your grandparents said they knew mine?

Demi – Yeah?

Rocco – Turns out your dad and my dad were best friends along with our mums, turns out we met when we were younger but I don't think you remember but that explains why you looked so familiar when we met, I think you was 10 and I was 14 and you and your family came over for dinner and you just sat on the sofa drawing.

I look at him in shock and then I get this image of me sitting on there sofa, everyone around talking, drinking and eating and Rocco is next to me watching me draw waves. He was so cute back then but I was only interested in surfing and drawing. I look at him and smile.

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