Part 10*

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"This definitely counts as dating." Garcia is typing away on her laptop, her feet propped up on your coffee table. It'd been three weeks since you'd gone to the Botanical Garden. You'd been out with him one other time to get food but that was it. Everything else had been strictly sex, mostly in his office.

"I don't date people Garcia, I fuck them." You say pointedly.

"Aisha refuses to let herself have feelings again." Sid comes in from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn.

"Honey, he wouldn't want you to be alone." Garcia reaches over to grab your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. You'd told Garcia about Tyler one day over lunch in her office so she was up to speed.

"Guys, I'm just not ready and I feel like that's fair." You glare at Sid who sticks her tongue out at you.

"Two years is a long time, you're so young. And you've made it clear that you plan on pushing people away for the foreseeable future." Sid isn't putting up with your bullshit.

"I don't want to choose sides but I will say that it seems like Professor Hottie actually cares about you. For how you talk about him, I think you feel the same way." Garcia leans into you.

You bite your lip, debating on if you want to say what's popped into your mind. Taking a deep breath you say it. "I'm scared." Your voice is so small you think they might not hear you.

"Oh honey, I know." Sid gets up from her seat and comes to wrap one of her arms around you. "Listen, you don't have to take it fast. Just admit that you care about the guy."

"I do." You say reluctantly, wiping away a rouge tear. The thought of caring about someone after losing Tyler the way you did was petrifying. But maybe they were right, you wouldn't be replacing him. Your phone starts ringing in your pocket and you pull it out.

"Speak of the devil." Garcia nudges you with a wide smile. "Answer it."

You nod and answer the phone. "Hey."

"Hey, how are you?" He sounds uncharacteristically nervous. Like something was on

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" You ask gently. Sid and Garcia look at you quizzically and you shrug.

He clears his throat. "I'm fine. I, uh, needed to ask you something." You picture him rubbing his fingers together like he always does.

"Okay, shoot."

"Does your boss, Rossi, know about us?" This was about Rossi?

"No, why?" You sit up, your heart beating fast. Had he told Rossi about you? Why were they evening speaking, they were in completely different departments. Their offices were on the same floor, maybe they'd run into each other.

"He's invited me to a get together at his place this weekend. Will you be there?" His voice sounds hopeful.

"Um, yeah. I will."

"Excellent. I'll see you there."

"I'll see you there, Aaron." Your smile is wide. As much as you'd avoided it, you really did enjoy seeing him.

"Goodnight, Aisha."

"" You go out on a limb and you hear him suck in his breath in surprise.

"Ooo, baby. Are you getting sweet on me, Aisha?" He teases and you roll your eyes at him. "I know you're rolling your eyes."

"Goodbye, Aaron." You say exasperated. He always had to tease you.

"Bye, baby."


"Aaron, this is my top research assistant, Aisha James. Aisha, this Professor Aaron Hotchner. He's in the Women and Gender Studies' department." Rossi's voice is unassuming, he's under the impression that you and Hotch have never met. You're grateful for that but also worried that Hotch will flirt with you and make Rossi suspicious.

"We've actually met, Rossi. I'm in his 101 class. Good to see you, Professor Hotchner." You stick your hand out and Hotch shakes it, his lips twitching with a smile.

"Nice to see you again, Ms. James." He can't help himself, smiling widely and you look away, your face warming up.

"She's a brilliant young woman, I'm sure she's doing great in your class." Rossi's almost shouting over the jazz music that's playing in the background. There are people everywhere, laughing and drinking. You all are standing in the French doors at the back of the house, looking over white tent that's filling the usually empty backyard.

"Her performance has been excellent, Dr. Rossi. Impeccable." Hotch doesn't take his eyes off of you as he takes a sip of his scotch. Your eyes widen at the smoldering look he's giving you, and you feel desire pool in your belly.

"Please, call me Dave." Rossi is oblivious to the sexual tension between you and Hotch and you're grateful.

"I need to use the restroom, please excuse me." You quickly move between them, making sure to brush up against Hotch to give him a hint. You make your way to the bathroom on the first floor and wait. There's a knock at the door and then it opens, Hotch moving in and locking it quickly.

His lips are on yours in an instant and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He's pushing you back against the sink, kissing you hungrily.

"We have to be quick, sit on the counter." He's pushing your skirt up and pulling your panties down as you position yourself on the counter.

"Yes, daddy." You're already touching yourself, rubbing gentle circles into your clit.

"God, I love it when you call me that." He pulls you in for a kiss as he thrusts into you. You both moan into each other's mouths.

"Harder, Aaron. Please." You're leaving kisses on his neck as he moves in and out of you repeatedly.

"Anything you want." He grits through his teeth, increasing the power in his movements.

"Be a good boy, and tell me how good I feel." You move your hand up to his hair, knotting your hand in the curl at the nape of his neck.

"You feel so good, baby." He says in a whiny, breath voice, as he movements get quicker and quicker.

"That's a good boy." You tug on his hair, pulling his head back so he's look up at the ceiling. His mouth is slack with pleasure as he slams into you over and over.

"Oh fuck, please. I'm close." He whimpers, his thrusts getting sloppy. His soft voice sends you over the edge and a string of curses leave your lips as you orgasm.

"Come for me." You command. He moves in and out of you a few more times before he meets his release, moaning into the crook of your neck.

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