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"Please excuse me, princess but you've been in there for a half hour! Dinner is nearly finished and if Mario's indeed coming, he'll be here soon! I advise you to be out soon, dear." Toadsworth called out through the bathroom door, as he slightly knocked on it.

"I'm so sorry, Toadsworth! I didn't realize the time!" Peach called out, surprisingly and glancing up at her bathroom wall clock. "I'll be ready soon! Just give me 5 to 10 more minutes!"

Toadsworth mumbled something that Peach couldn't quite make out as his footsteps quieted when he got further and further away. Peach could hear the sound of her bedroom door closing with a firm shut.

She was in her own personal bathroom that was inside her room and she decided to take a bath to freshen up for dinner. She was relaxing so much, that she nearly forgot the time!

"Ugh, I really don't want to get out..." The princess grumbled quietly to herself. "This bath is too relaxing. I should've got into the bath sooner or extended the time for dinner, but oh well. It's too late now..."

She got out and dried herself with the towel before proceeding to wrap it around her. She unplugged the tub and watched the drain suck up the bubbles and water for a few moments before opening the bathroom door, revealing her room.

The princess then got dressed into a nice dress. This wasn't her usual pink dress, either. No, it was indeed a pink dress, but this dress wasn't as frilly and puffy. It was a nice, short, mini dress that went up to Peach's knees. It was sparkly and sleeveless. Peach put on matching earrings and pink high heels. She also reapplied her makeup, but didn't worry about it too much because it wasn't like she was going on a date or anything. It was just a nice dinner for her and the kingdom's hero. Lastly, she made sure to fix her wavy blonde hair and throughly brush it.

"Princess!" Toadsworth called out, knocking on her bedroom door, slightly. "Master Mario is here and the dinner is all set up. I advise you to not take much longer. You don't want to keep him waiting because that is very rude and I taught you better than that."

Dang it, I forgot about the time... again!!! Peach thought. How oblivious can I be?!

"I'm so sorry again, Toadsworth! I'm heading out now!" Peach called out after him, grabbing her crown and placing it on her head.

"Okay, then. I'll update everyone." He replied as he left once more.

Peach then looked at herself in her vanity mirror one final time, making sure that she looked alright.

I hope this dinner goes well and nothing terrible happens. I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of everybody. Including Mario...

The princess blushed a bit just at the thought of it. In fact, she never told anyone this, but she really had a soft spot for Mario. Who wouldn't? I mean, his adorable, wavy brown hair with the three locks in front and four in the back, his shiny child-like eyes that never faded of happiness, his black moustache that was incredibly soft as a feather when touched, made Peach dreamy.

Besides his handsome looks though, Mario had an amazing personality. She loved him for that the most. He seems to be so energetic even if he was exhausted, he never whined or complained about anything, he would help out and care for people as best he could, that Peach wondered if he ever remembered to take care of himself too. She laughed, shaking her head as she thought more and more about that plumber.

She suddenly snapped out of her trance as she remembered that Mario was now here and waiting for her along with everyone else. They couldn't start dinner without her and wouldn't, anyway even if they all had the choice to.

Don't Leave Me... (Mario x Peach Story)Where stories live. Discover now