𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘣𝘺𝘦

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!tw! suicide is mentioned so we warned!

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

your right...
no one would care if i'm gone. why would anyone care? i'm not needed. my life never had a purpose. i knew that, i knew that for so long. i was so close to ending all this pain from years ago. until i mean you.

suna rintarō, you changed my life. even if you didn't know...thank you for giving me a purpose...at least for a little longer. but now you don't need me. you have another person to look out for, to cry on, love, and say those sweet words to. your happy with her.

while everyone is out there working and fulfilling their dreams. but here i am. no purpose and no passion.

a waste of space
a disappointment
so fucking dumb
a social reject.

how embarrassing.'

how many more times will those words repeat in my head? oh if only i could've lived up to their high expectations, huh? and if only i could live up to yours...if only i was perfect like ukiyo. but i can't...

i'm so tired rin.

why am i even on this rotting earth? i'm another broken robot that needs to be thrown away, for i can't serve its purpose any longer . just another fucking robot that is not needed on this earth. it's better that i go.

"it is isn't it? you've been such a burden, no wonder why suna would leave you for another. i mean come on ukiyo is far better than you. don't you want rintarō to have a good life? having you around would only slow him down. he's moved on and you...you've been laying around yearning for love. how fucking pathetic. so desperate are you? i'm sure once your gone things will be better."

yeah, once i die, you can finally let go of the old memories we shared. the adventures we went through. times when you would lean on my shoulder to cry on. your better off with me...

you stood on the ledge of the tall building piercing the sky, the cold breeze glazing your skin as your hair flew freely. doubt never crossed your mind, you knew what needed to be done. all around you, you hear the sound of music from the advertisements, sounds of honking, and the songs of birds chirping. looking down you could see cars moving and people rushing off to work.

"see they serve some kind purpose. i just sit here taking up space. if i would've stayed back instead of going off across the world. maybe, JUST MAYBE YOU WOULD'VE REMEMBERED. YOU WOULDN'T-" you take a deep breath releasing a sigh to calm yourself, "you wouldn't have gone seeking for another's love..."

we've seen this before, again and again. this scene of you crying over a man who didn't love you anymore. a man who couldn't fulfill a promise he swore to. so why do you keep repeating this cycle?

slowly you took of your shoes, placed a letter containing your last words before leaving under the shoe, and the necklace suna once given to you on your birthday.

"i'll miss you...and i love you, rintarō"

looking at the view one more time, you took a sigh and took a step forward, leaping down to your end.

finally it felt like your mind went free. it was like all those thoughts disappeared. your body fell freely, as you feel your mouth curl into a smile, and taking your last breath. but suddenly, thoughts of suna flooded you mind. remembering you of the wonderful things he's done, just for you.

"ah im truly luck to have meant you in my full life..."

a loud thud interrupted the surrounding bystanders as  your frail body hit the cold hard ground. the cold rain began dripping down your body. people finally taking notice of your 'existence', seeing your body lay twitching, as blood stained the concrete.

'good bye...rin'

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

'dear rintarō,

take care rin, please don't mourn over my useless death, beside i'm sure you wouldn't, right? i'm not needed anymore. this was my fate. you couldn't have changed it. so don't feel sad. protect ukiyo, ok? promise me that
but not like how you promised me in high school six years ago after we graduated, don't break it.

thank you for changing my life.
you truly made me feel wanted and made me feel as if i can change the world! the things you said and done, made me feel needed and so important to one's life. sorry for having all your efforts go to waste.

i have to go now...
heh sometimes i wish i can go back in time and stop myself from taking that plane to america. to spend more time with you, and maybe, just maybe, we would've tied the knot, to marry each other and spend the rest of eternity together.
but there's no need for me to bring up old times.
i'm gone now.
so forget about me.
i'm sorry for coming back into you life and leaving like this.

i love you rintarō

l/n y/n'

please if your having thoughts like these or just don't want to be here anymore, things will get better, maybe not now, but it will! we can get through this together! i love you all <33

[誓願]  𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 | 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘳. 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 Where stories live. Discover now